Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Disease is Our Friend

Disease is Our Friend
Disease is a symptom and it’s our friend because it let’s us know something is wrong that we need to take care of. It’s the symptom that drives us to go to the doctor to get relief. I want to talk about other causes of disease but, I want to talk about URCs first. URC’s are a cause of many diseases. Remember the definition of disease? “Not at Ease.” Disease can be broken down roughly into three levels. I’ll use thirst as an example of a first level disease.
Thirst is our bodies way of saying it’s becoming dehydrated and at the beginning thirst is a first level disease. It prompts us to find relief in a glass or two of water. If we ignore that first level disease long enough it could progress to a form of second level disease called heat exhaustion. But, heat exhaustion is only a symptom of too much heat and not enough water. I know about this because I’ve suffered from it. It gives you a headache, dizziness, nausea and weakness that will cause you to seek relief from the heat but, you may have lost the Thirst level disease signal in the process. Many people suffering from mild to severe level heat exhaustion won’t drink water and that’s one of the vital things the body is crying for at that stage but, since the thirst signal was ignored the body begins to shut down to reduce the heat producing activity and to preserve the vital fluid it needs to cool itself with. The third level of this disease is heat stroke. By this time the body has lost too much water to be able to sweat to keep itself cool and now the body temperature is rising to the one hundred four degree level at which point important proteins begin to denature, that is cook like and egg does. It’s at this stage that a person requires outside intervention in order to survive. Death will result without proper intervention. So when we pay attention to our friend the thirst disease we can avoid the more unpleasant and much stronger second and third level diseases. What’s this got to do with URC?
URC stands for Un-Resolved Conflict. Symptoms of URC are unhappiness, depression, rage, antisocial behavior, self injury and a host of other mental and physical behaviors. Sounds like I think I’m some kind of an expert...huh? An example of a first level disease caused by URC is unhappiness. It may just be a thought of something that makes us feel temporarily unhappy. It’s our minds way of saying that it wants us to possibly avoid the subject or maybe more importantly find a way to deal with what’s making us feel unhappy in an appropriate manner. A second level disease caused by URC may be rage. The rage may be the symptom of a whole bunch of URC;s. At this point we are nearly out of control because we’ve been unable to resolve conflicts possibly unrelated to what’s causing us to rage. We may be striking out at the people around us in an way that’s out of proportion to the irritation from that person and this rage may be a form of temporary relief from the real URC. Raging may be the minds way of wearing us down so we can relax. Ever experience rage. I have and I know that it will leave you exhausted but, it never resolves anything itself; in fact it may produce more URC that will need to be resolved. An example of a third level disease caused by URC could be the real thoughts of suicide. A person won’t survive without outside intervention. Pay attention to that friend unhappiness and figure out what is really wrong. The real problem may have been lost or mixed into other issues that you find impossible to deal with because you haven’t dealt with the real cause yet. Ask yourself the question “what is really making me unhappy?” and maybe you’ll be able to deal with it. The unhappiness disease is really your minds way of getting your attention about an URC much in the same way the thirst disease is your friend telling you to get out of the heat and drink water before more drastic disease symptoms appear. Maybe there is someone that you need to face that you have an issue with that requires you to forgive them or they to forgive you? Sometimes we need someone’s help to reveal the cause of our disease if we wait too long to deal with it.
Tomorrow I’m going to talk about Heart Burn.