Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Disease and Vitamin W

Vitamin W is probably one of the most neglected vitamins but, it’s probably one most important in controlling disease. I want to take a moment here to remind people about disease. I have a short blog about it titled “Disease” if you want to know more details but, basically anything that causes us to be “not at ease” is a disease. That definition covers a lot of territory.
          There is no one substance that can cure all diseases, but there are some substances we just can’t do without. There are only two things that can cure all disease: our Creator and death. Our Creator is to our body and spirit like the master mechanic is to an automobile. There’s no such thing as an automobile that the master mechanic can’t make right and there is no body or spirit that our Creator can’t heal. And as for death? You’ve heard the old saying “put it our of it’s misery”. Death has always been considered the way to end all suffering. I’m sure that the vast majority of us don’t want to utilize this option before our time. Most of the time we don’t need our Creator’s direct intervention because our body is self healing if we give it the needed materials and care. But, there are some substances that we absolutely need if we want to be disease free.
          The so called vitamin W is one them. There are two other vitamins that rank even higher in importance but, they aren’t as neglected in our diets like the so called vitamin W. Never heard of vitamin W? I’ll explain some of it’s functions and diseases that arise caused by the so called vitamin W deficiency.
          The reason that it’s called a so called vitamin is because like vitamin D, it’s not strictly a vitamin. But, the so called vitamin W is so important that it works in conjunction with all other vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It helps regulate the transport of nutrients and the disposal of toxins from the cells and the body in general. I helps regulate body temperature. It helps to regulate blood consistency. It helps regulate the digestive process. It’s utilized by every organ and system of the body.
          There are a host of diseases that arise from a so called vitamin W deficiency. Here’s a partial list: gall stones, intra hepatic stones, kidney stones, nervousness, lack of mental clarity, insomnia, fatigue, arthritis, constipation, fever, respiratory congestion including bronchial and nasal congestion, indigestion, ulcers, muscle cramps. A shortage of this nutrient effects the red blood cells interfering in their ability to perform their vital functions. The lack of this precious nutrient effects the effectiveness of all of the other vitamins and a severe short term shortage of the so called vitamin W can lead to death.
          This nutrient is probably one of the hardest to abuse by overdose, but it’s possible. Overdose can lead to a type of intoxication which can lead to death. A severe overdose can cause the red blood cells to burst but you have to take so much of it that the average individual isn’t likely to do it. Mostly we’re going to err on the side of deficiency.
          Like all nutrients this one needs to be the purest it can be or it easily brings on a host of other diseases, many fatal. It’s probably the easiest to contaminate. Contaminated vitamin W has caused the deaths of countless millions over the millennia of recorded history.
          So, if vitamin W isn’t a vitamin, what is it? It’s WATER. The reason I did what I did was to get the attention of people because I feel that this substance is abused by most people and if I can get you interested in treating your body correctly then I did my job. All of those diseases I listed are really symptoms of chronic dehydration. When you short change the body of this vital substance it has try to adjust every organ and system to function around it’s deficiency.
          We are about ninety percent water at birth. On average we’re about seventy five percent water most of our life. Isn’t it interesting that we are made up of about the same percentage of water as the earth is covered by it? We’re maybe fifty percent water at death if we live to die of old age. Look at how alive and vital we are when we are composed of a greater percentage of water to solids. That should tell us something. Don’t you find it telling that the dryer we become the more disease we experience? Is water a cure all no, but it goes the farthest to eliminating disease than almost anything else.
          What about the other two things I mentioned. You can probably guess what they are but I’ll tell anyway. I’ll give you a run down on what survivalists consider important in the order of importance.
          First there’s the so called vitamin O. This stands for oxygen. Just a few minutes of Oxygen depravation can lead to irreversible brain damage and death.
          Then there’s vitamin S. This stands for shelter. You can experience debilitating disease (not at ease) from lack of it. The two most common forms are hypothermia and hyperthermia. Your shelter can be your clothing, your house or even the air around you. Exposure to extreme temperatures at either end of the spectrum can lead to death in just a matter of minutes.
          Then comes vitamin W. We’ve already seen how important this one is. Total water depravation can lead to death from anywhere from a few days to possibly eight days depending on the individual and the environment. Death comes on average with total lack of water in four days.
          Then there’s vitamin F. This stands for food. We can survive quite a time without it. Most of us have fat reserves that can easily keep us alive without to serious of an impact for forty days and much longer sometimes but, not without serious questions of survival. It’s hard to start the digestive process again after a prolonged period of starvation.
          Then the last essential is vitamin R. This stands for rest. We can go for a very long time functioning after a fashion with a chronic deficiency. However, deficiency leads to inefficiency very quickly.
          But let’s get back to vitamin W. There is a formula to determine just how much our minimum needs are. Its this: ONE HALF OUNCE OF WATER PER POUND OF BODY WEIGHT A DAY. You will need more when engaging in activities that lead to sweating and you’ll also need more when you eat or drink certain substances that are diuretic in nature, like alcohol and teas. The rule of thumb is to offset these substances with double the amount of the substance consumed. The reason for this is because of the drying out effect these substances have on us. And as far as sweating is concerned, you’ll have to learn to listen to your body tell you how much you need to drink to replace the loss. Athletes have died from hyperthermia due to chronic dehydration in as little as three days of strenuous activity without proper hydration. Heat stroke can set in if the body doesn’t have a way to cool itself.
          There will be additional information about water and it’s importance in a couple of days.