Friday, March 25, 2011

Warning, Our leaders are lying to us!

Tell me what you need and I’ll tell you what you lack, tell me what you have the most of and I’ll tell you what you take for granted.
The truth is often hard to discern. As hard as we try to figure out what the truth is we find ourselves running up against our egos and our own unwillingness to give up our pet theories. The world is awash in this problem and it has been a problem as long as there have been humans. The world is flat, the world is the center of the universe (though it is to us because of our perspectives), the church is inerrant, I have all of the answers, the scientific view is the only view, the key to understanding everything about us lies in understanding evolution, there is one master race and so on. Today I’d like to focus on a few other cherished assumptions: The world is overcrowded and if we chose to feed the people of the world organically grown food we have to decide which populations of the world to sacrifice to starvation.
The issue of an overcrowded starving world promises, at least in my mind, to be a complicated issue, one that will take some time to explore. As usual I intend to express my theories about this and since theories are like opinions and opinions are like certain parts of our anatomy that everyone has I see no reason to be ashamed.
Naturally I disagree with this notion that we need to starve much of the world population to live organically. But lets look at some facts first: The world population is reaching the seven billion mark. There is only so much dry land of which about one fifth of it is dessert Footnote . Total surface area of the earth is 196.8 million square miles, total land area 57.3 million square miles or about twenty nine percent Footnote . 45.84 million square miles are left of which only a portion might be usable for agriculture. Thomas Robert Malthus, a British economist of the late 1700's was the first modern man to say that the world was over crowded. The world population 1650 was around 550 million and climbing and by 1850 the population had soared to 1.1 billion. The population stood at just over six billion in the year 2000 and now in 2011 stands at nearly seven billion almost a one billion increase in only eleven years where it took almost six thousand years to reach one billion(or four billion years if you believe in evolution). Footnote It’s estimated that the world population will reach the ten billion mark by 2035 but I believe that this figure will be exceeded if the current trend has a chance to continue unchanged. This population explosion is alarming to many of our planets greatest thinkers who see the need to reduce the population growth to zero by maintaining a two point one percent offspring per woman birth rate (many feel that it would be even better to reduce the population of the planet, the lower the better).
Two of the things cited for this astronomical population growth is that people are living much longer healthier lives and that the green revolution has made it possible to provide food to maintain this massive increase. But, current agricultural technologies won’t support this ten billion person population. The worlds food reserves have already dropped from eighteen months to less than thirty days. It doesn’t bode well for our beleaguered planet.
Many feel that our salvation lies in two areas: population control and new technology. The challenge of establishing population control is created by the developing nations whose populations continue to explode.
Many of the developed nation’s native populations are beginning to shrink as a result of their fertility rates dropping below the two point one percent offspring per woman level. Let’s take a brief look at these population trends. I was led to believe that affluence leads to a lower birth rate because people don’t feel the need to have so many children and that poverty forces people to have many children because they die off and only a few survive. I don’t remember where this notion came from but, it seems to be a part of me. I do agree that poverty can be a spur for many in undeveloped countries to have children because they feel that somehow having more children increases the likely hood that some will survive to reproduce. But, some one pointed out that the drop in the birth rate in developed countries, for most of the citizens, doesn’t stem from affluence but, from the fear that a certain life style can’t be maintained if a family has too many children to support. So, they make decisions to undergo voluntary sterilization so that the family can adequately provide for the children they do decide to have. Using the United States as an example: the birth rate in the 1950's soared with the baby boomers because they felt it was possible to adequately support that decision to have children. We were far more affluent then than we are now, we have been steadily losing ground with each passing decade to inflation and taxation. Everybody who has had only one or two kids understands the reason for their decision to stop having children and I’m quite sure that it didn’t have anything to do with the notion that they were just so rich they decided that it wasn’t necessary to have anymore children. The individual tax burden has steadily increased while our valueless severely inflated currency has left us with less to raise a family on. Taxes continue to escalate in these developed countries to where it’s estimated that as much as fifty percent of our gross income goes to pay for all of the known and hidden taxes we are forced to pay. Couple that with the idea that we are forced in many places to build houses we can’t afford (Meriwether county where I live has a fourteen hundred square foot minimum for new houses and a two acre minimum outside of the city limits ) and it’s no wonder that many decide to limit their family size. It looks to me that our politicians found a way to convince us to curb population growth without violence. The implications behind this decline in birth rate could be frightening for those of us who look at the changing demographics and realize that this nation could one day be Islamic by default. We’ll simply vanish creating a vacuum that will be filled by something. If you don’t want your grand children to live in an Islamic country or a country devoid of your current values then you need to have more children and raise them to think like you want them to so they can pass those values onto their children. No body will have to drop bombs on us to accomplish a cultural change in this country and in other developed countries that have experienced this drop in fertility rates which are a result of the increasing poverty.
We may have more technological toys to play with but, we aren’t wealthier for having them. In fact it’s my opinion that these are things that keep us distracted from the real issues. It’s through these things and our educational systems where we are bombarded with this idea that we are living in an overcrowded world. The real issue may be that we are being dupes to a segment of our society that has an agenda that may be contrary to the one that is built in to our nature; the need to thrive and multiply. And certainly we seem to be willingly following their lead. We are inundated with images of poverty stricken starving nations that are full of teeming masses unable to support themselves due to overpopulation and other causes and that we are somehow responsible for this dilemma because we have so much that we greedily take away from the rest of the world. This all looks to be true on the surface of things but, is it? Could it be possible that we haven’t contributed anything to the world for what we got from it? I believe we did indeed provide a benefit for what we received but, this is a whole different issue.
So, how many people can the world actually support? The February 2011National Geographic states that if we took all seven billion of us and put us shoulder to shoulder in one place that we would only fill a five hundred square mile area. Plenty of land left over isn’t there? So there doesn’t really seem to be a space problem only a food problem; how do we feed even more than we have?
Soil fertility has been plummeting through the advancing centuries and especially the most recent decades. Our European ancestors that first waded ashore here found a land where the average depth of top soil was above twenty four inches. That great covering of fertile soil has dwindled to just a few inches in most places. Where did all of that great soil go? In my opinion you have to look in the bottom of the ocean to find it. Our current farming practices loosens and destroys the vital elements that create the matrix that holds our top soils in place exposing it to erosion by wind and especially rain. It only took our ancestors four hundred years to destroy what took thousands or billions of years to make. So I ask a few questions here: Do we have to farm that way? If we can feed seven billion people on the depleted soils we now farm how many could we feed if there were a better way of farming?
Anybody who gardens or farms using conventional methods knows just how energy intensive this style of farming is. The recommendations are to turn the ground over year after year to aerate the soil, to bring the nutrients up to the surface for our shallow rooted crops to take advantage of and to make it easy for those preferred crops to spread their roots out. But, as pointed out earlier, this plowing or tilling the ground exposes the soil to erosion but, it also makes it just as easy for those plants we don’t want to take advantage of our efforts; also necessitating the use of mechanical or chemical weed control. The first form of weed control is energy intensive requiring our physical labor or the use of machinery. The second form of weed control exposes us to chemicals that may be harmful to us in the long run. Then there is the problem of pest control. Pests often find things to eat the same way we do; they see it. It’s easy when we have vast tracts of land planted in just one crop. There’s no way to hide it and we are vastly outnumbered by our insect antagonists. There is always the option of walking out into the field and simply eliminating pests by hand but, this really doesn’t work. Anybody knows, who has tried to garden without using chemicals, that it’s only a matter of time before the bugs overwhelm any physical effort on our part to control them. Many of us will turn to chemical means to eliminate the pest problem. There is a third type of weed and pest control that comes through technology: GMO’s.
This is a budding technology that is finding increasing support by a public influenced by those who have control of that technology. This GMO situation is becoming so prevalent that even the heirloom seed industry is finding it hard to weed out the GMO’s in seed they have to procure from outside sources Footnote . It’s one thing to eat an apple that you can wash a chemical off of (maybe) that the body knows how to digest and assimilate but, what about an apple that has been genetically modified so that nothing but a human is willing to eat it? Are you sure you want to eat something that not even a bug wants? Or how about a GMO that has natural herbicidal plant genes spliced into it? Will our bodies really know what to do with it? If we evolved slowly over billions of years what chance does your body have to suddenly evolve a strategy to deal with this new challenge? Slim to none for you or for your kids for perhaps thousands of generations. And if we were created then there is little chance that our bodies will ever find a way to deal with these new challenges without direct modifications of our bodies own biological systems. We’re being told that we have to decide whether we want to eat at all or starve; that the only solution to our dilemma can be found in GMO’s. Do you remember Mad Cow Disease? That was caused by feeding animal by products, such as blood, to animals that are vegetarians. Sure, it only looks like a few individuals died from that disease but, how do we know how many have been adversely harmed by this tainted meat in ways that we haven’t been able to ascertain yet? Remember, the decision to feed these animals that way was decided by people who were supposed to know better than we do but, in the end nature showed us the folly of this practice. Do you want to be the natural example of what happens to an organism that eats a GMO that the body has no idea of what to do with? I’m only asking the questions because I really don’t have an answer except to point out the colossal blunders foisted upon us by people who go against the natural system. This ranges from introduction of foreign species into areas where there are no natural controls them to feeding animals things they aren’t supposed to eat.
If man is so smart that he can find a way to allow his population to dominate the earth in only a few thousand years why can’t he find a way to work with nature instead of trying to bend it to his will? How was it possible for the earth to build up that great store of top soil in the first place? How do we cooperate with nature?
First, we need to abandon this destructive practice of plowing land for crops. We can’t afford to continue this practice if we want to continue to feed those that are already here. There has to be a system that doesn’t require plowing. Certainly we’re smart enough to figure that out? Second, we need to stop burying our valuable organic wastes in one spot and find a way to return it to the land where it came from. Certainly we’re smart enough to figure that one out? The Chinese used a system centuries ago that recycled human excrement back into the soil, how do you think their population was able to grow like it had? What about kitchen, and yard wastes? That technology has existed for a long time. We should be able to figure out how to get nature to cooperate with us in the weed and pest control departments without having to resort to energy or chemical intensive measures.
It looks as if there is a way to do all of this.
Much of this can be accomplished with no till agriculture. It’s not really a new concept but, an older one that seems to have been discarded or overlooked as not feasible. It’s accomplished in much the same way as you do with a flower pot. You add succeeding layers of organic materials, mostly compost, then you plant in the last deep layer of compost like you do in a flower pot. You plant thickly and in blocks instead of rows that discourages weeds and you alternate plants so that the pests have a more difficult time finding its food source. You also can plant your crops at times that helps to offset the natural time table of your pests. I know this one works because I’ve done it. I managed to get my corn planted early enough so the corn matured before the worms had a chance to find their way into the corn. Consequently I was eating fresh corn from my garden earlier than anybody else and it didn’t have bugs in it. I didn’t try a second planting but, may have been able to do that and got a second corn harvest from my garden in that same season. Of course this second harvest would only be possible because of the area of the country that I live in; the summers are longer here. It’s something I’m going to try. Instead of turning the ground over you simply continue to add compost to your garden to the vacant spots created by your harvest. These vacant spots are covered from the compost sources you created from your kitchen and yard wastes. There is always more loose aerated nutrient rich soil for your crops to grow in and that same newly added layer of compost helps to smother out any possible weed seedlings that may have fallen in your recently created short term vacancy. Planting densely not only eliminates places for weeds to grow in but, the dense root structures helps to hold the soil in place helping to eliminate erosion. This erosion fighting ability is enhanced by the solid border you create around your plot and by the raised bed character that you create by not digging down into but, by building up. The dense planting style helps to shelter your dirt from the drying sun and wind and the rich organic material itself is naturally water retentive thus helping to eliminate the need to water more often. In fact the hardest part of this farming practice is the set up phase; once the set up is completed you only need to add material to the vacant spots you create as you harvest. Not only do you fill the blank spot with compost but, you plant a different plant that will grow in that spot during the next seasons so there is never a real vacancy for a weed to take advantage of and planting this way creates a natural crop rotation system. There is very little maintenance required, instead it’s just a steady harvest and replanting procedure to follow. But, this system gives you the advantage of a steady supply of fresh organic produce nearly year around.
I know that there are few people willing to use human excrement as compost because of the fear of disease and this is surely nothing to be taken lightly. My study of this issue says that proper composting will eliminate any threat from harmful pathogens. Surely people who could put man on the moon could find a way to accomplish this if we already don’t have a way to do it? One thing is for sure: you can’t continue to take away without putting back in kind. You can’t have a checking account that you continue to write checks against without making deposits with dollars or you’ll run out of money and may even end up in jail. Our ecosystem is the same way. We need to put back what is removed or we eventually will have an ecosystem that is bankrupt. We’re almost there now. It’s not too late though.
And lastly there is something that I haven’t covered completely: fertilizers. Composted manures (human including) are nutrient dense by nature. It puts back the same nutrients that were remove in the first place. But, if you want to add something back that is removed from the soil by rain then you can use a foliar spray consisting of sea water or sea salt. Where do you think all of that salinity in the ocean came from in the first place? It was washed from the soil by the rain then ran off into the oceans by way of our rivers and streams and then was concentrated by the natural evaporation process powered by our sun. There is a natural resistance to this idea of using sea minerals as a fertilizer in some of the higher institutions of learning because of the fear of a build up of salt in the soil. This isn’t a problem because the concentration of salt is so dilute that the build up never occurs. Also, you’re not digging down into the dirt and your watering cycles are so reduced that there is little danger that any salts already present in the soil will ever have a chance to accumulate on the surface. It just can’t happen. There is virtually no danger of poisoning your ground as long as you follow the guidelines. The advantage to using sea salt is that it contains almost every vital element needed by your plants and is directly absorbed by the leaf and stem structure of the plant itself. Ever heard of or used Miracle Grow? Miracle Grow is sprayed directly on the plants also. the difference between sea salt and Miracle Grow? Sea salt is vastly cheaper to use. You can fertilize for as little as six dollars per acre per application. If you have to apply it twice a season that’s only twelve dollars per year per acre and you’re not using just a few harsh chemicals that don’t contain everything that a plant needs. There’s plenty of sea water and sea salt to go around. Many ships use desalinization equipment to provide fresh water that comes form areas of the ocean that aren’t polluted. The by product of making fresh water from sea water is sea salt; a concentrated fertilizer that is easy to ship. The whole ocean isn’t polluted because the ocean has a way of creating a chemical balance naturally. The sea water and salt only need to be harvested away from the sources of pollution. The harmful pollutants chemically combine with other elements and precipitate out and settle to the bottom.
The drawback to this idea of no till agriculture is simple: not everybody is going to want to grow their own stuff. Many of us are just happy to spend our life doing whatever we have picked for a profession that specifically didn’t include playing around in the dirt. So let them enjoy themselves doing whatever it is they like to do. Those of us who love working with nature can still produce the bounty that is needed to support those who are the engineers, builders and maintainers of our other systems. Nothing changes in that department. The only thing that changes is we cease to rape our planet at the expense of future generations. This farming practice should be able to be developed so that every nation, every people can take advantage of it. This system holds the potential to eliminate starvation in parts of the world that currently don’t have the energy and economic resources that we have that allow us to currently rape our land. A peasant that uses this system can easily provide for their family and others without the grueling physical labor or the expensive machinery and chemicals foisted onto us by our system of people who have a vested interest in maintaining things the way they are. It also eliminates the unknown dangers lurking in GMO’s, if there are any. Another drawback is the fact that this type of farming doesn’t lend itself to large scale planting and harvesting techniques currently in practice. Planting and harvesting using this system is currently a hands on experience. Oh well, I’m sure that with our growing computer capabilities that this is only a short term problem. Maybe the equipment and programs could be developed that would show us how to modify this system to lend itself to mechanical planting and harvesting? I’ve got faith. That way the giant food conglomerates can continue to monopolize our food production processes and continue to provide us with the nutritionally bankrupt garbage they foist off on the world as nutrition. They have a way of taking something packed full of natural wholesome nutrition and destroying it while managing to generate huge profits at the expense of the health of the people. Anybody remember the movie Super Size Me? While much of that movie centered around a certain company, it was really about the food INDUSTRY as a whole and what they create. The movie didn’t do any good to change the system except for some of the individuals who permanently modified their eating habits after watching the movie. The giant food companies are even busier finding ways to separate us from our money while providing poison to us. There will never be anything better for us than the fresh mature food straight from the healthy plant it grew on. Any kind of processing only removes the natural wholesome nutrition found in freshly harvested organic food and this nutrition found in fresh food is a major consideration when it comes to making decisions about how much food is really needed to provide good nutrition. This problem of adequate nutrition in food is why the food industry finds it necessary to fortify their garbage with cheap chemical nutrients that the body is barely able to do anything with because the food industry is fully aware of what they do to the food before it reaches your mouth. Here’s an example of this fortification with chemical nutrients:
Notice the list of vitamins and minerals? Now look to the list of ingredients at the bottom. See what is used to fortify the product? They are all chemicals. This cereal would be almost completely devoid of nutrition without these chemicals. The question you might be tempted to ask: is there anything really nutritious about this food? The first column next to the list of vitamins shows the percentage of nutrients without milk and the column next to that shows the nutrients with milk added.
How do the cattle get all of their protein, vitamins, enzymes and minerals? They get it all from the grass they eat. It’s not cooked or processed in any way before they eat it. Their bodies knows exactly what to do with the grass they eat. There is a fascinating book “Wheatgrass Natures Finest Medicine, seventh edition by Steve Meyerowitz” that does a good job of covering the topic of the nutrient content of different foods and maybe I’ll include some information from the book next time. This subject of nutrient value in foods is a whole different subject and it needs to be covered more completely at another time so, I’ll end it here with this: It doesn’t matter whether we evolved or were created; our bodies know what to do with what it either evolved using for food or was created to use as food. Anything else is foreign and harmful to us because our body’s vital resources are used up in the body’s effort to eliminate this source of pollution; these are vital resources that are needed to maintain health against a host of other challenges that have always been present with out the added stress of new problems. I only add this to help you think about the possibilities. The real issue here is: are we being lied to about our overcrowded starving world and the options that are open before us to help deal with this issue?

1: World Book Encyclopedia 2002 Standard Edition
2: World Book Encyclopedia 2002 Standard Edition
3: World Book Encyclopedia 2002 Standard Edition
4: Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company’s 2010 seed catalog.

Friday, March 11, 2011

This is For the International Crowd Only Food Relief

One of the reasons I started this blog was to help people as well as to help myself.  I need your help and in return I might be able to return some help.  How can you help me?  You can help me by going to this link, <a href="" target="_top">Click Here!</a>clicking it and buying the product.  How will this help you?  It'll help you by giving you and your family a simple to use system that will provide the best food possible.  Forget about digging and forget about all of the back breaking work at weeding and pest controll.  If going to your garden and picking the freshest most nutritious food available doesn't appeal to you then there may be other ways I might be able to help.  The options are endless.  Let me hear from you.  Leave a comment and a way to get in touch like email.  I'm not a spammer or neither will I sell your email to another company.  I don't like it when people do that to me and I won't do it to somebody else. 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

You Say You Have Heartburn? Good!

You Say You Have Heart Burn?
Be Happy, It’s Good For You!
Your probably thinking “What? Has he gone nuts?!” No I’m serious. You need to be happy. Why? Because it’s your body talking to you; trying to get your attention and you should be happy as long as your body’s talking to you. What’s it saying?
Have you ever noticed that you usually don’t get heart burn until after you’ve eaten something? That’s significant. Now let me ask a question here: do you get heartburn from everything you eat? I’ll bet you don’t. Most people who get heartburn, if they are anything like me, get it mostly when they eat certain types of food. In fact we may know that we’re going to get it and we already have our roll of antacids handy. Those antacids are wonderful...right?
I don’t think so because using them is only a way of avoiding the real issue: your body doesn’t want you to eat that particular food because it’s harmful to you. It’s your body’s way of giving you a friendly reminder it doesn’t like what you’re feeding it. The heartburn disease is your friend; friends tell friends when they’re doing something wrong.
You may think that little purple pill is your friend if you think it will allow you to continue to treat yourself like a garbage can. You’ve done yourself tremendous harm by the time you need that little purple pill. But, I’ll admit here that you may need that purple pill if it will allow your body to heal itself. But, I really believe that if you stop putting garbage into yourself that you won’t need that little purple pill after all.
Your probably wondering what you should do? Expand your horizons. There are other things to eat that won’t upset your system like those foods that cause heartburn. Find them, eat them and thrive. Your body is also talking to you when you don’t get heartburn after you’ve eaten something. What’s it saying? It’s saying that what you ate was more acceptable but, maybe not best.
By the way, heartburn disease may not be the only way your body is talking to you about the food you eat. The allergy disease may be doing the same thing only in a different way. Learn to listen to your body when it gives you disease symptoms. You’d much rather deal with first level disease than second or third level. Most disease (all disease) is a way of your self telling yourself that you’re doing something wrong. Listen to yourself.
Tomorrow I’ll offer some suggestions as to what you can eat as an alternative to heartburn producing poisons.

Disease and Raw Food

Disease and Raw Foods.
Maybe you’re wondering if I’m making a pitch here for eating a raw hamburger? Or, maybe I’m making a pitch to eat nothing but cooked foods? You’d be closer to right about the raw hamburger, but, I don’t recommend raw meat. If you’re going to eat meat cook it because generally you don’t have any control over what took place during the raising and butchering processes. Eating raw meat is probably a good way to get really sick.
I wrote about heartburn yesterday and said I’d make some suggestions. This is from my own experience: I don’t get heartburn from the raw foods I eat. I don’t remember eating any raw foods that caused me to have heartburn and if it did I avoid eating what gives me that disease. I don’t like taking pills that only treat the symptom and don’t address the cause.
Raw foods are boring!
They sure can be. Let’s ask ourselves a question: Is it better to be bored eating raw carrots of temporarily happy eating something that causes long term disease? Consider this: your attraction to cooked foods may bring you long term physical discomfort compounded by prolonged visits to the doctors office or the hospital in an attempt to fix what you’ve done to yourself; not to mention the financial drain it may have on you or the country in general. We don’t live in a vacuum where our actions are isolated from the world around us. Others suffer with you when you suffer.
There are numerous books written on how to prepare tasty raw food that doesn’t require cooking. It’s a matter of making up your mind that eating raw food is better than eating cooked food.
Are Raw Foods Really Good For Us?
I realize that there is controversy over this subject of raw vs cooked food. Even the prestigious Reader’s Digest prints articles proclaiming that cooked food may be better for us. Why? It’s the opinion of cooked food proponents that say that cooked food is easier to digest than raw food. Is this true?
Maybe we can apply some logic to the question. First, does cooking food change the nature of the food? The answer to that is yes it does. Cooking denatures food. Denatured simply means that the thing is no longer in it’s natural form.
Second, what does the body require? Well, I’d have to say it requires natural foods to thrive. Cooking is an artificial process that requires heating and denaturing food. If we evolved we probably started out eating raw food and that’s what our bodies evolved around; raw food. If we were created we probably were designed to survive off of raw food. The breast was never equipped with pasteurizing mechanisms.
That should tell us something. If you believe in creation you probably don’t read anything in your bible where the Creator instructed the first two people on how to use the microwave or the stove. There’s no mention about cooking to begin with. I think that if you believe in cooking that what you might really be saying is that the evolution process or the creation process produced physical bodies that lack the ability to function properly in the environments that they developed in. To me this begs the question of evolution as a superior process. And it could be an insult if you think the Creator was deficient when he made the body and that now we need cooked food to survive and thrive. These are only my opinions of course.
Another issue is the one of nutrients.
I don’t think many people will argue that many nutrients are lost in the processing and cooking of food. Wheat that is ground and bleached has to be fortified the same way many of the packaged foods are or there wouldn’t be any nutrient value to it. The food manufacturers fortify their foods with artificially produced vitamins because they are cheap. This fortification process should be a clue to us that the food manufacturers know they have destroyed the nutrient value of the food. They are guilty. If we revisit the evolution or creation issues we can ask the same thing: aren’t the vitamins, enzymes and minerals naturally found in raw foods superior to artificially created nutrients?
Is the heartburn you experience from food, whether it’s cooked or not, caused from the inability to digest what has been eaten? I believe so. It takes enzymes to properly digest food. Many of the foods we eat contain enzymes that are lost due to processing, cooking, premature harvest and from sitting on the shelf too long. So we may eat raw food from the supermarket that lacks the nutrients we need because it was harvested too early or because it sat around too long. Then we might end up with heartburn because the food and our bodies lack the enzymes necessary to properly digest it. This inability to digest food because of lost enzymes may be the very reason that so many feel that cooked food is superior to raw food.
What’s the point of all of this?
We already know what disease is; that it’s the body’s way of telling us something is wrong. I feel sorry for anyone who has resigned themselves to the idea that growing older is synonymous with becoming diseased. Granted, we have to die but does that mean it has to be due to cancer, heart disease or some other gruesome problem? Does everybody die with some gruesome disease?
No, they don’t. So my next question is: if some don’t die with a gruesome disease why can’t we all die easy? I believe we can. I feel that the body will just shut itself off when it’s time. No prolonged pain or suffering, just a quick and easy passing. I’ve even seen evidence that some people are capable of determining the point of their own death. Kind of like they just decide it’s time. I’ve seen it happen to people who just seem to give up. Maybe that’s where the saying about “gave up the ghost” came from?
Why should it matter how you or I die?
I can flippantly say that it doesn’t matter to me how you die. I can say that it’s your business if you want to experience a painful and prolonged death. I won’t feel it.
Remember: we don’t exist in a vacuum. Your or my suffering has to be shared. It’s expensive to die a prolonged death in the hospital. I realize that we will always need doctors, nurses and medical facilities but, wouldn’t it be better to put more of that money toward other causes, like improved housing or buying nice gifts for everybody?
Then there’s the issue of people who love us. I don’t now of anybody who truly loves me that wants to watch me die a protracted painful death. If that’s love I don’t want it. So maybe the real issue is not the length of life but the quality of life?
We might die from some kind of trauma and that’s where doctors shine the greatest. I want the best doctor to put me back together if I get hurt in an accident. But, why choose the hard long painful way of dying if there is an alternative? Look around you. Isn’t there an awful lot of suffering out there? Ask yourself why and then look for the answer. Is the answer I’m offering the right one? I think we owe it to ourselves to find out.
If our well being is linked to what we eat, then wouldn’t it be better to find the best food we can eat? Since time and processing are the biggest destroyers of nutrition wouldn’t it be better to pick it and eat it right away; even if you feel that you have to cook the food? Don’t have time to garden? This is where we can help each other. There are gardening systems that while they have to be initially set up, they don’t have to require as much energy and time as you think. My theory is that you’re going to spend that time gardening anyway: producing an income to pay the doctor or just spending the time in the doctor’s office or hospital. Stay out of there, eat healthy. Also you’re going to be spending the time gardening in the form of fuel and time going to the store to buy your food. Spend less time in the store where you’re getting questionable quality food and spend it in the garden. The Food4Wealth system of gardening is well worth every penny and every minute you’ll spend getting it set up and running. The time you spend now will be time you can use for other better purposes later. 
 Click this link --> Click Here!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Disease is Our Friend

Disease is Our Friend
Disease is a symptom and it’s our friend because it let’s us know something is wrong that we need to take care of. It’s the symptom that drives us to go to the doctor to get relief. I want to talk about other causes of disease but, I want to talk about URCs first. URC’s are a cause of many diseases. Remember the definition of disease? “Not at Ease.” Disease can be broken down roughly into three levels. I’ll use thirst as an example of a first level disease.
Thirst is our bodies way of saying it’s becoming dehydrated and at the beginning thirst is a first level disease. It prompts us to find relief in a glass or two of water. If we ignore that first level disease long enough it could progress to a form of second level disease called heat exhaustion. But, heat exhaustion is only a symptom of too much heat and not enough water. I know about this because I’ve suffered from it. It gives you a headache, dizziness, nausea and weakness that will cause you to seek relief from the heat but, you may have lost the Thirst level disease signal in the process. Many people suffering from mild to severe level heat exhaustion won’t drink water and that’s one of the vital things the body is crying for at that stage but, since the thirst signal was ignored the body begins to shut down to reduce the heat producing activity and to preserve the vital fluid it needs to cool itself with. The third level of this disease is heat stroke. By this time the body has lost too much water to be able to sweat to keep itself cool and now the body temperature is rising to the one hundred four degree level at which point important proteins begin to denature, that is cook like and egg does. It’s at this stage that a person requires outside intervention in order to survive. Death will result without proper intervention. So when we pay attention to our friend the thirst disease we can avoid the more unpleasant and much stronger second and third level diseases. What’s this got to do with URC?
URC stands for Un-Resolved Conflict. Symptoms of URC are unhappiness, depression, rage, antisocial behavior, self injury and a host of other mental and physical behaviors. Sounds like I think I’m some kind of an expert...huh? An example of a first level disease caused by URC is unhappiness. It may just be a thought of something that makes us feel temporarily unhappy. It’s our minds way of saying that it wants us to possibly avoid the subject or maybe more importantly find a way to deal with what’s making us feel unhappy in an appropriate manner. A second level disease caused by URC may be rage. The rage may be the symptom of a whole bunch of URC;s. At this point we are nearly out of control because we’ve been unable to resolve conflicts possibly unrelated to what’s causing us to rage. We may be striking out at the people around us in an way that’s out of proportion to the irritation from that person and this rage may be a form of temporary relief from the real URC. Raging may be the minds way of wearing us down so we can relax. Ever experience rage. I have and I know that it will leave you exhausted but, it never resolves anything itself; in fact it may produce more URC that will need to be resolved. An example of a third level disease caused by URC could be the real thoughts of suicide. A person won’t survive without outside intervention. Pay attention to that friend unhappiness and figure out what is really wrong. The real problem may have been lost or mixed into other issues that you find impossible to deal with because you haven’t dealt with the real cause yet. Ask yourself the question “what is really making me unhappy?” and maybe you’ll be able to deal with it. The unhappiness disease is really your minds way of getting your attention about an URC much in the same way the thirst disease is your friend telling you to get out of the heat and drink water before more drastic disease symptoms appear. Maybe there is someone that you need to face that you have an issue with that requires you to forgive them or they to forgive you? Sometimes we need someone’s help to reveal the cause of our disease if we wait too long to deal with it.
Tomorrow I’m going to talk about Heart Burn.

Friday, March 4, 2011

How to Be Successful Continued

How To Be Successful
Maybe We Can’t Believe
This is a major obstacle to overcome. There could be a number of superficial reasons for unbelief. Why superficial? Because, if you are alive and breathing to read this you’re already successful. You’ve learned how to read and write, walk and talk, eat and breath, acquired skills to be able to use the Internet, probably have a number of relationships, may be married with children and a host of other successful skills you’ve learned. You probably have a job or a business and if not that’s not a sign of failure it’s only an opportunity to have time to learn a new skill. All you need to be successful in another area is to study and apply the lessons. Some of the best lessons we learn will be our failures. If you were messing around with fire and got burnt you learned not to do that anymore. Just be thankful that you’re alive to do something new. Just believe that you’ve already learned the hardest lessons and the simpler ones are ahead of you. What kind of lesson was the hardest? You learned a whole language when you had nothing to start with but the ability to smile and cry. Now you’re able to communicate with anyone who understands the language you learned from birth. You can be successful with anything you really feel that you want to do if you set your mind to it. I have a good example of a man who won through perseverance; one that I know of personally.
His name is Ray. Ray is a Native American who runs his own business in Georgia. I don’t know what tribe he’s from, I never asked. I was sitting with Ray one day and we were talking about this subject of success. He said that he felt I was a smart person. I thanked him for his sentiment but, I didn’t agree with him. I’d always admired him for the things he had. He had a beautiful wife, a good son, a fine house that had been featured in a extremely well circulated publication and a successful business that at the time had no competition. He had managed to find a niche that nobody else had filled. Talk about smart. I mentioned how I felt about his apparent success and that he was the smart one. He looked at me and told me I had it all wrong. He said that he had to take many of the courses he took in college three times before he passed. Anybody that had that much sticktoitiveness deserves to succeed. He just knew that he could do it. Most of us would have quit long before we ever got to the business stage.
You might say that I don’t understand your circumstances. Oh no? I do to. Are you out of a job, facing the possibility of being kicked to the curb? I’ve been there and done that. Life goes on. There’s always someone out there willing to give us a helping hand. Generally, if we starve to death in this country it’s because we haven’t asked for help. Do you think that you’ve burnt all of your bridges; used up all of your credits with people. Maybe the ones closest to you but, not everybody. There will always be someone to help us. I don’t advocate this as a viable option but, even prisoners get three hots and a cot. What I’m trying to show is that there are always options open, some good some not so good but, there’s always options.
I don’t mean to bring you down with this line of thinking but, I’m only trying to get you to focus on success. Part of believing comes with doing. Maybe you just need to get busy and do something if you feel like you’re facing insurmountable odds. People will boo a loser who quits but, most people cheer those who keep going. The history books are full of those people and so are our movies. Heck, even Reader’s Digest features stories about people who beat the odds.

Maybe we followed bad advice
Everybody is willing to share what they think with other people. It usually comes in the form “if I were you I’d...” or something similar. I’ve had friends that offered advice this way and the thing is sometimes they were right. Sometimes they were seriously wrong.
Someone once asked me “if you were going fishing and saw two people walking down the road and one had a stringer full of fish and the other didn’t who would you ask for advice about how to catch fish?” Well, I thought about it for a few seconds and said “the man with the fish” thinking that the one with the fish had caught them therefore he could tell me how to catch my own. Sometimes our first impression is wrong. The man carrying the fish might be carrying them because he lost the bet. I’m sure the answer behind the question was to ask the person who was most successful in the area that we want to succeed in. My point? Get to know the source before you take their advice. Do you know me? No. But, I’m not giving you anything that you probably haven’t heard before. Maybe it’s a little different in that there are a lot of ways to say the same thing and the way I say things resonates with you. Another thing is that I’m not telling you how to spend your money or patch up that shattered relationship. The advise I offer is to get the right advice from people you really know and can trust. The only way you can get to know someone is to spend time with them. That’s what you’re doing now with me.

Am I qualified to give any of this advice?
Yes, absolutely. I’ve been told many times in my life that this or that couldn’t be done and by people who were supposed to know more than I did. Sometimes we know that there has to be a way to do what we want or need to do. If we stop with the first, second, third or fourth no we’ve failed for the time being. This is where persistence pays off handsomely. I won’t brag about what I’ve done in my life except to say that I’ve accomplished enough by perseverance to know that what I’m talking about works. Here’s the big if: IF YOU BELIEVE ENOUGH IN YOUR CAUSE AND YOU DON’T EVER ACCEPT NO AS THE FINAL ANSWER YOU WILL SUCCEED. You can take this one to the bank. You just have to know that your cause is just. If you have any doubts then maybe you need to find another cause or examine the methods you’ve chosen to use to accomplish your cause.

I need you to succeed so I can succeed!
Here’s the thing. I believe that mankind is on a collective journey. We are all trying to do the same thing: THRIVE! It’s just a question of how we achieve it. It’s my belief that the only way to truly thrive is by helping others to do the same. We can’t thrive at the expense of someone else. That’s not right. Everyone has to get value for the energy they expend and that energy includes the hard earned currency they spend. That currency represents your energy. Some have to work harder than others for it but nobody gets something for nothing. Even if I offer you something for free you at least have to accept it and that takes some effort so it still cost you some energy. You at least had to consider the proposal and that takes energy.

The Final Success Formulae
First: set a goal. Know that the goal is a good one and that everybody can win by your efforts.
Second: find a mentor who you can trust. Examine them closely to know if they live up to your standards of integrity but, realize that everyone is human and has week points in their life.
Third: follow sound advice and formulate your plan. This can be a little tricky because even the best mentor might not always give the best advice. How do you know this. You might not until you’ve expended enough energy to know that those nagging little voices in your head were right.
Fourth: don’t quit. The method you’ve been employing may be wrong or wrong for you. Adjust, find another way to do the same thing. Be honest with your mentor about your doubts but, don’t give up. Giving up is the true way to failure.
I don’t know of anything else to add to this except that you have to know that you can succeed.
Working toward the Best

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How to be Successful

How To Be Successful!
What makes me qualified to write about success as if I knew anything about it? Plenty. I don’t have a degree from some prestigious university, but I do have something infinitely better; experience.
I recently wrote something about our infinite potential. I made analogies between infinite lines and our infinite potential. The point I’m making here is: we need to make a decision about how we view things. Are the things that we fail to do correctly really failures?
The things we fail to do correctly can be failures as long as that’s what we want to consider them. There is a better way. First, recognize that a failed attempt is a learning opportunity. Second, let’s admit that something didn’t happen the way we wanted it to. Third, let’s look at what we did and try to determine what we did wrong. Fourth, don’t repeat the pattern. Fifth, recognize that there may be a time lag between our actions and the results. There have been numerous times that I quit before the results started to show up and looking back at the success of others doing the same thing, I realized that I just didn’t continue to work at it.
Which brings up a good point: maybe we didn’t want to succeed with what we were trying to do in the first place? Maybe our heart really wasn’t into what we had casually committed ourselves to? There could be any number of reasons but, I suspect that the two reasons I gave are the primary cause of many of our so called failures.
Let’s look at some of the causes of our so called failures:
We don’t want to succeed
A lack of belief
We followed the wrong advice

Maybe we didn’t want to succeed
This is worth investigating. I know from my own experience that there are times that I started to do something and after I started, I began to recognize aspects of my mission that didn’t live up to my real goals. In other words: I picked the wrong action according to my current values. And there were times when I started something that I decided wasn’t worth the effort so I stopped. Does this mean that I was a failure? In a way, since I stopped before I got the results I initially wanted, I failed. Maybe there wasn’t anything wrong with what I wanted only the way I was attempting to get what I wanted. Here’s an example from my own experience:
Years ago I started into a network marketing business. I won’t mention which one but, I will tell you that it was the granddaddy of all legal network marketing ideas. I put a lot of effort into it for a while but I kept running into a problem that I couldn’t shake. I was having to do things that went against the grain of one of my most cherished beliefs: Seventh Day Sabbath Keeping. Now, I’m not making a plea here for you to begin keeping the Seventh Day Sabbath; what I am doing is relating something that I recognized that required a compromise on my part in order for me to be successful at this network marketing scheme. All of the vital meetings that I had committed myself to keeping took place on the Seventh Day Sabbath. It was business oriented and I often felt guilty when I attended them. I couldn’t see a way around this as I’d have to promote these activities to others and I couldn’t justify doing them if I wouldn’t promote this activity to other Seventh Day Sabbath Keepers. I kept trying to tell myself that I could choose to do as I pleased after I was successful. Who could argue with success? But, I was lying to myself; I couldn’t succeed with something that I felt was wrong. So, after five years of halfhearted effort, I quit.
I wanted financial success so that I could dig myself out of the financial morass I had gotten myself into and I had been convinced by the success of others that I could do it also. What my failure with this particular endeavor showed wasn’t that I was a miserable failure; it showed that I ultimately wouldn’t go against my core beliefs.
Am I so unique that nobody out there has felt the same way? I know that I’m not that unique so maybe you can find some truth in this that will help you.
I’m out of time for today so I’ll add more tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

GMO's Food or Poison?

Are GMO's really everything they are claimed to be.  I can't really say since I'm not research scientist.  My gut feeling is that they are best left alone if you have a choice.  Almost all of us can have a choice because we can supply ourselves with the healthiest freshest organic produce possible and all grown from non GMO seed.  Buy heirloom seeds but be warned even the heirloom seed companies are now saying they are having a difficult time weeding out the GMO's.  I have a catalog from Baker Creek that states this.  I realize that there'll always be someone crying about the sky falling, but I agree that there is great danger in tampering with the genetic makeup of the food we eat.  Those genetically modified organisms aren't natural and may in fact be harmful to us.   Check this website out about GMO's.
Grow your own garden.  I know that most of us are struggling to make ends meet and provide for our families.  Many are struggling to keep their jobs or find ways to to work more than one job to provide for their families.  Time is a precious thing but, so is our health.  Fight back against the system that seeks to keep us enslaved.  You have the time you need to plant and tend a garden.  Following a proven system is always a plus. Go to this website and buy a copy for yourself.  It'll be a blessing to you and your family. 
Click here:---><a href="
Give a person a fish and they eat for a day; teach a person to garden and they eat for life.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Disease and Vitamin W

Vitamin W is probably one of the most neglected vitamins but, it’s probably one most important in controlling disease. I want to take a moment here to remind people about disease. I have a short blog about it titled “Disease” if you want to know more details but, basically anything that causes us to be “not at ease” is a disease. That definition covers a lot of territory.
          There is no one substance that can cure all diseases, but there are some substances we just can’t do without. There are only two things that can cure all disease: our Creator and death. Our Creator is to our body and spirit like the master mechanic is to an automobile. There’s no such thing as an automobile that the master mechanic can’t make right and there is no body or spirit that our Creator can’t heal. And as for death? You’ve heard the old saying “put it our of it’s misery”. Death has always been considered the way to end all suffering. I’m sure that the vast majority of us don’t want to utilize this option before our time. Most of the time we don’t need our Creator’s direct intervention because our body is self healing if we give it the needed materials and care. But, there are some substances that we absolutely need if we want to be disease free.
          The so called vitamin W is one them. There are two other vitamins that rank even higher in importance but, they aren’t as neglected in our diets like the so called vitamin W. Never heard of vitamin W? I’ll explain some of it’s functions and diseases that arise caused by the so called vitamin W deficiency.
          The reason that it’s called a so called vitamin is because like vitamin D, it’s not strictly a vitamin. But, the so called vitamin W is so important that it works in conjunction with all other vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It helps regulate the transport of nutrients and the disposal of toxins from the cells and the body in general. I helps regulate body temperature. It helps to regulate blood consistency. It helps regulate the digestive process. It’s utilized by every organ and system of the body.
          There are a host of diseases that arise from a so called vitamin W deficiency. Here’s a partial list: gall stones, intra hepatic stones, kidney stones, nervousness, lack of mental clarity, insomnia, fatigue, arthritis, constipation, fever, respiratory congestion including bronchial and nasal congestion, indigestion, ulcers, muscle cramps. A shortage of this nutrient effects the red blood cells interfering in their ability to perform their vital functions. The lack of this precious nutrient effects the effectiveness of all of the other vitamins and a severe short term shortage of the so called vitamin W can lead to death.
          This nutrient is probably one of the hardest to abuse by overdose, but it’s possible. Overdose can lead to a type of intoxication which can lead to death. A severe overdose can cause the red blood cells to burst but you have to take so much of it that the average individual isn’t likely to do it. Mostly we’re going to err on the side of deficiency.
          Like all nutrients this one needs to be the purest it can be or it easily brings on a host of other diseases, many fatal. It’s probably the easiest to contaminate. Contaminated vitamin W has caused the deaths of countless millions over the millennia of recorded history.
          So, if vitamin W isn’t a vitamin, what is it? It’s WATER. The reason I did what I did was to get the attention of people because I feel that this substance is abused by most people and if I can get you interested in treating your body correctly then I did my job. All of those diseases I listed are really symptoms of chronic dehydration. When you short change the body of this vital substance it has try to adjust every organ and system to function around it’s deficiency.
          We are about ninety percent water at birth. On average we’re about seventy five percent water most of our life. Isn’t it interesting that we are made up of about the same percentage of water as the earth is covered by it? We’re maybe fifty percent water at death if we live to die of old age. Look at how alive and vital we are when we are composed of a greater percentage of water to solids. That should tell us something. Don’t you find it telling that the dryer we become the more disease we experience? Is water a cure all no, but it goes the farthest to eliminating disease than almost anything else.
          What about the other two things I mentioned. You can probably guess what they are but I’ll tell anyway. I’ll give you a run down on what survivalists consider important in the order of importance.
          First there’s the so called vitamin O. This stands for oxygen. Just a few minutes of Oxygen depravation can lead to irreversible brain damage and death.
          Then there’s vitamin S. This stands for shelter. You can experience debilitating disease (not at ease) from lack of it. The two most common forms are hypothermia and hyperthermia. Your shelter can be your clothing, your house or even the air around you. Exposure to extreme temperatures at either end of the spectrum can lead to death in just a matter of minutes.
          Then comes vitamin W. We’ve already seen how important this one is. Total water depravation can lead to death from anywhere from a few days to possibly eight days depending on the individual and the environment. Death comes on average with total lack of water in four days.
          Then there’s vitamin F. This stands for food. We can survive quite a time without it. Most of us have fat reserves that can easily keep us alive without to serious of an impact for forty days and much longer sometimes but, not without serious questions of survival. It’s hard to start the digestive process again after a prolonged period of starvation.
          Then the last essential is vitamin R. This stands for rest. We can go for a very long time functioning after a fashion with a chronic deficiency. However, deficiency leads to inefficiency very quickly.
          But let’s get back to vitamin W. There is a formula to determine just how much our minimum needs are. Its this: ONE HALF OUNCE OF WATER PER POUND OF BODY WEIGHT A DAY. You will need more when engaging in activities that lead to sweating and you’ll also need more when you eat or drink certain substances that are diuretic in nature, like alcohol and teas. The rule of thumb is to offset these substances with double the amount of the substance consumed. The reason for this is because of the drying out effect these substances have on us. And as far as sweating is concerned, you’ll have to learn to listen to your body tell you how much you need to drink to replace the loss. Athletes have died from hyperthermia due to chronic dehydration in as little as three days of strenuous activity without proper hydration. Heat stroke can set in if the body doesn’t have a way to cool itself.
          There will be additional information about water and it’s importance in a couple of days.

Disease and Vitamin W continued

Just how important is vitamin W? Well, next to vitamin O, the air we breath, it’s probably the next most important nutrient we need and I call it a nutrient because of how important it is. I realize that most of us don’t think of water as being a nutrient.
One thing is for sure about water: the selling of it has become a huge industry. I don’t know what the figures are for the amount of annual sales of water are but, I know that it’s huge. Most grocery stores devote large segments of an aisle to the many different kinds of water. You will be able to find filtered spring water, steam distilled water, vitamin fortified water, ozonated water and even water for your baby. You’ll be able to find water in all different size plastic containers. Sometimes you’ll find dispensers that will filtered and ozonate the water and dispense it into your own containers and all of this in addition to the other water options.

Then there are the in the home options and these abound. You’ve got under the counter filters, over the counter filters, machines that filter, alkalize and oxygenate water, stand alone filters that you simply pour your water into from the tap or pitcher, water distilling devices that are either batch or continuous units and solar distillers that are really just water evaporators and condensers. And, we’ve got as many claims about who’s system is the best and safest as there are makers and methods for making clean water.
Why all of this concern over the water we drink? Simply because we know in our heart how important clean water is to us. And it’s because of this concern that often times unscrupulous people will find a way to frighten us into buying one of their expensive and difficult to maintain systems.

Is that to say that every water treatment system sold on the market is unreliable and a scam? No, not at all. The challenge is to find a system that will meet your needs for the budget you have available. Does it sound like I’m advocating a water treatment system. Yes, I am and only because you can’t trust many of the sources of drinking water we have available and I include our wells and municipal water supplies as questionable sources of clean water. However, I’m not in the water treatment device business, at least not yet.

One of the reasons I’m not the business is because of the confusion over who’s is the best. To me the best is the most effective most durable and least expensive there is. I get concerned because if the expensive systems are really the best then it makes those systems unavailable to those who are poor and unable to pool their scant resources to buy one. That means that a disease free life may be out of their reach.

Do I have an opinion about what’s best? Yes, and I’ll freely share it. To me the most effective, most durable and least expensive system is a solar distiller. Why? Because you can find free plans on the internet so you can build one. There are no moving parts, except for the top so you can open it and clean it from time to time, no electrical supply needed, no expensive filters to replace and it’s the same system the earth uses to clean up it’s own water supply.

There are concerns about the solar distiller method and the most notable concern is over the possibility of contamination from disease causing organisms. The water isn’t heated enough to kill the toughest of these organisms but I believe the answer to this issue is simple. As far as I know, these organisms aren’t evaporated with the water and they remain in the evaporating basin along with all of the other unwanted stuff. There shouldn’t be a problem as long as there is no direct contact between the contaminated water and the evaporated water and as long as a person takes care to keep the condensing and collecting part of the evaporator clean.

Yes, a steam distiller most likely kills all the unwanted pathogens in the water but, it has to condense and collect the water and you may be re-contaminating your clean water if you don’t keep that part of the system clean. I don’t have anything against steam distillers. They’re effective, fairly durable but, not necessarily inexpensive and they require an energy source that means some kind of an ongoing expense to operate. A solar evaporator uses the sun’s energy to accomplish the same thing and most of us can find enough room to set one up to take advantage of the free energy.
I realize that the limitation of a solar evaporator might be found in the colder climates where freezing might be a concern or where there’s simply not enough sunshine to produce the volume you need. Then you might be forced into obtaining a different water treatment system.

The answer to the question about which way is the best one to obtain plenty of good clean water will be a personal one. The one thing I can say for sure is that the cleaner the water the better and that you need to drink plenty of it.