Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Infinite Potential Within US

The Infinite Potential Within US

          It is said that there is nothing new under the sun. I agree...and yet I disagree. There are always new things coming into existence. What you might ask? People, snowflakes, dogs, cats and a myriad of things to numerous (infinite) to expound. Just what is infinity? What a question that one is. The mind cannot grasp the concept of infinity on a verbal level other than to say infinity is infinite. But, the heart can understand that such a thing exists. There is no way to quantify infinity. Any number you can come up with is always the number one away from infinity.
          A warning is in order here. What your going to read is true, but used improperly could be dangerous. The decision to use this information in an appropriate manner is up to the reader. Now read on.

The infinite within the finite

       Let’s look at the word infinite to see if there are any clues contained in it. Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary tenth edition defines the word infinite as:

Etymology: Middle English infinit, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin infinitus, from in- + finitus finite. 14th century

1 : extending indefinitely : ENDLESS <infinite space>
2 : immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive : INEXHAUSTIBLE <infinite patience>
3 : subject to no limitation or external determination
4 a : extending beyond, lying beyond, or being greater than any preassigned finite value however large <infinite number of positive numbers> b : extending to infinity <infinite plane surface> c : characterized by an infinite nuber of elements or terms <an infinite set> <an infinite series>

The prefix in- means not. So if we combine the two in + finite and we come up with not finite. Infinity contains the finite. But, how about the other way around? Let’s look at the word finite. We’ll use Webster’s again.

Finite: adjective
Etymology: Middle English finit, from Latin finitus, past participle of finire. 15th century

1 a : having definite or definable limits <finite number of possibilities> b : having a limited nature or existence <finite beings>
2 : completely determinable in theory or in fact by counting, measurement, or thought <the finite velocity of light>
3 : less than an arbitrary positive integer and greater that the negative of that integer b : having a finite number of elements <a finite set>
4 : of, relating to, or being a verb or verb form that can function as a predicate or as the initial element of one and that is limited (as in tense, person, and number)

Let’s look at the number one. Does it qualify as being a finite number. Of course it does because its definable. You can write it, say it or spell it. It means something to us. Now, lets take one line. That line stretches into infinity in either direction from any point you pick on it. So that one line, a definable element, contains an infinite number of points on it. So, we can say that the finite contains the infinite. You can play with this idea forever. A single infinitely long line crossed by an infinite number of infinitely long lines each crossed by an infinite number of lines and so on.
          Let’s look at the number one again, but this time it’s a single finite line. Since an infinite line contains an infinite number of points, does a finite line contain a finite number of points? No, a finite line contains an infinite number of points the same as the infinite line does. How can this be? Simple. Let’s look at it this way: There is no such thing as the largest for the same reason that there can’t be an infinitely large number. Remember that infinity is always the number one away from any number you can name so there can’t be a largest because you can always add one more to it. By the same token there can’t be a smallest either. You can go on dividing forever and never come up with the smallest number. I’ll show you.
          Take the fraction 1/3. What you have here are two prime numbers: the number one separated by a slanted line from the number three. The line between the numbers tells us to divide the first number, the number one, by the second number, the number three. The result of that division is the number .3333333 to infinity. It’s considered a non terminating number; in other words, there’s no end to it. And yet, if you cut an apple into thirds, each third is now a whole that can each be divided into three and so on into infinity. I realize that you run into practicable limitations in attempting to divide things like our apple for obvious reasons. But, in theory it can be done.
          Am I playing mind games? Yes. But, for what purpose? We seem to have a limited life that is only capable of a limited number of experiences. And so it is. We’ll all die one day. Will our atoms stop vibrating when we take our final breath and pass on to whatever? No, they are alive in a sense, full of energy on their own. Each one with an infinite potential. As hard as man tries he’ll never find the smallest anything: not the smallest piece of matter or the smallest amount of energy. It’s a futile endeavor. But, in one sense it’s not, because, it only proves the point that there is no limit of either the largest or smallest of anything. What it should tell us is there is an unlimited potential or infinite potential in each ONE of us. Our problem is one of perspective.
          Let’s go back to our line, the finite one with the infinite number of points. We’ll call it our lifeline. If our life can be represented by that finite lifeline then that finite lifeline has two ends; in this case a birth and a death. That line represents the sum total of our infinite number of experiences from our birth to our death. We might call a few of those experiences by two names: happiness and sadness. Now let’s take our happiness and sadness and represent those concepts by one infinite line we’ll call the happiness sadness line. You occupy a finite spot on that line. If you look in one direction you’ll only see happiness and if you look in the other direction you’ll only see sadness. But, those conditions of happiness and sadness can be seen to exist no matter where you are on that line.
          What can you do with this idea. Well, happiness and sadness are subjective. It depends on your perspective. A man dying of thirst in the desert would be happy to have a single drink of water where a person drowning in a pool of the best spring water would gladly trade places with the man dying of thirst in the desert; at least for a few moments. In other words we can chose to look and go in the direction that we want. Our happiness doesn’t have to be dictated by our current circumstances when we decide that we can choose to go toward happiness or not. Someone once said “argue for your limitations and you’ll have them” or something to that effect. Decide that you want to be unhappy and will be or can be. Decide that you want to be poor and you will be or can be. Decide that you want to be rich and you will be or can be. Now I know that you’re going to argue with me one my third premise of being rich. It’s relative to where you are on the rich poor line. You can look and go in either direction that you choose and you can argue that where you currently are is either rich or poor and that you’re stuck there. Have it your way. If being poor makes you happy, be poor. It’s all in your mind.
          There’s a whole infinity out there even if you can’t see it and there’s a whole infinity within even if you don’t feel it. There are no shortages of elements for the finite number of people on this planet. At one time there may not have been any water on this planet. So how could it have gotten here? It could have been brought here by ice comets; now we have a world full of oceans, lakes, streams and clouds all containing water that never runs out. It’s always being recycled. Do you say that הוהי created everything complete. So he did. But, he might have used ice comets to bring water to this parched earth in a micro second. We don’t have to question that premise if we don’t want to. The accounts only say that He made it; they don’t go into the infinite details of how He made it. So if we need more water all we have to do is wait for הוהי to send another ice comet to our way. Impractical? Why? One could be on it’s way right now ready to be here when we need it.
          The point here is: you have to make up your mind how you want to feel or be. Stop looking at others for your wealth and happiness, you already have them. You say you need something? What do you need? You already have it or you wouldn’t be alive. Want more? Now that’s a different story. But, what we want is already out there waiting for us. We don’t have to be unhappy even if we don’t seem to have it in our hands at this very moment. Impractical? No it’s not. The scriptures tells us that anything we need done can be done for us.

Mat 17:14 And2532 when they846 were come2064 to4314 the3588 multitude,3793 there came4334 to him846 a certain man,444 kneeling down1120 to him,846 and2532 saying,3004
Mat 17:15 Adoni,2962 have mercy1653 on my3450 son:5207 for1063 he is lunatic,4583 and2532 sore2560 vexed:3958 for3754 ofttimes4178 he falleth4098 into1519 the3588 fire,4442 and2532 oft4178 into1519 the3588 water.5204
Mat 17:16 And2532 I brought4374 him846 to thy4675 disciples,3101 and2532 they could1410 not3756 cure2323 him.846
Mat 17:17 Then1161 עשוהי 2424 answered611 and said,2036 O5599 faithless571 and2532 perverse1294 generation,1074 how long2193, 4219 shall I be2071 with3326 you?5216 how long2193, 4219 shall I suffer430 you?5216 bring5342 him846 hither5602 to me.3427
Mat 17:18 And2532 עשוהי2424 rebuked2008 the devil;846 and2532 he(1140) departed1831 out of575 him:846 and2532 the3588 child3816 was cured2323 from575 that very1565 hour.5610
Mat 17:19 Then5119 came4334 the3588 disciples3101 to עשוהי2424 apart,2596, 2398 and said,2036 Why1302 could1410 not3756 we2249 cast him out?1544, 846
Mat 17:20 And1161 עשוהי2424 said2036 unto them,846 Because1223 of your5216 unbelief:570 for1063 verily281 I say3004 unto you,5213 If1437 ye have2192 faith4102 as5613 a grain2848 of mustard seed,4615 ye shall say2046 unto this5129 mountain,3735 Remove3327 hence1782 to yonder place;1563 and2532 it shall remove;3327 and2532 nothing3762 shall be impossible101 unto you.5213
Mat 17:21 Howbeit1161 this5124 kind1085 goeth not out1607, 3756 but1508 by1722 prayer4335 and2532 fasting.352

Am I only quoting scriptures? No, it was proven mathematically that all possibilities exist, the whole infinite number of them. No limitations unless we want them.
All rights reserved!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Food Safety Law

Our government has been very busy. Every year they pass innumerable laws that effect us in ways we don’t perceive. There is one place that the government’s policies directly effects us and that is in the area of food. There may be equally important issues to concern ourselves with but not more important. The reason this may be true is because food, what we stuff into our mouths, has a direct impact on our well-being. The government has been setting standards for nutrition for decades. Some of the standards have been helpful and some have been harmful. Things like the RDA, recommended daily allowances. These recommendations are woefully inadequate and our doctors and nutritionists cue off of it.

But now, what’s really scary, is that the Federal Government is in the process of passing legislation to further protect the American food supply. The first version was H.R.2749 and the current version is S.510.  This sounds like a reasonable thing on the surface, but could it be a matter of too much protection or protection where it’s not needed.

The proposed legislation has morphed as it’s made it’s way through the separate houses of Congress. But one area that it apparently hasn’t changed is in gardening. There are concerns by people that the current version of the legislation could make it illegal to garden if it’s perceived by the authorities to somehow threaten the American food supply. There’s nothing in the legislation to stop the government from declaring your garden to be a threat to the food supply and taking punitive action. How could your garden be a threat? What if you share or sell contaminated produce with your neighbors or community? Or maybe even the fear that your produce somehow is a threat to your family. Absurd? No! They pulled the children out of their homes by the hundreds in Texas when they thought that there was ONE family there where a child was being molested.

The power in any law is in it’s ability to be enforced. Most people probably wouldn’t have to worry directly about this. However, the government only has to put the fear into the people to make this type of legislation useful. They only have to make a public example out of a few cases for people to get the message.

There are millions of laws on the books. How can we possibly know if we’re breaking some of them? While you may not know if your breaking one, there are computers that can keep track of this vast mountain of legislative junk that could be found to apply to your case if needed to eliminate you as a threat to the status quo. Paranoid thinking? No. Remember Texas and Idaho and innumerable smaller incidences that don’t make it into the mainstream media. If you dig you’ll find that records of government abuse abound.

Is this really an important issue? Apparently it’s caught the eyes of the Vermont legislature.  There are groups of people who have contacted their state legislature to do something about this.  They have informed the US Government that US Governments intervention is not desired or required. Vermont will take care of it’s own gardens, thank you.

Will most of us be concerned about this? No. And the reasons are many: the law is unenforceable, I don’t plant a garden, I’m too busy to worry about it and there is no such legislation. It’s the volume of legislation, proposed and passed alike, that makes much of what Congress does invisible.

So, what can be done? First: keep planting those gardens. Second: take a few minutes to verify the potential threat. Go to this website: S. 510 [111th]: FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (GovTrack.us) it's a website that will tell you all about this legislation. An informed public is the greatest deterrent to tyranny.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sea Minerals Nature's most natural fertilizer

Sea Minerals
There were two exciting things that happened to me in the world of organic gardening: the first was Sea Minerals and the second was Food4Wealth. I’m going to talk about Food4Wealth just for a moment: it’s one of the most fantastic ways of gardening since the invention of the tractor. Why do I say that? Because the Food4Wealth system makes the tractor, roto tiller, shovel, hoe and all other digging implements obsolete. How’s that for bragging? It’s true though and you can go to Food4Wealth by clicking the link at the end of this page and read why I believe this. It’s just a short blurb, but it’s powerful. So, if you’d like to eliminate any of the above mentioned tools from your gardening tool shed click the link at the end of this post. Enough about that.

Sea Minerals are exciting because they provide a way to fertilize your garden cheaply and organically. It’s amazing how well this stuff works. Just what are Sea Minerals? They are minerals from the sea. Well you might just say “that’s nothing but sea salt” and you’d be right. So why is this important and why does sea salt work as a fertilizer?

Sea Minerals are important because they make it possible to fertilize one acre of ground for as little as ten dollars per acre. That’s right. You use them as a foliar spray. A foliar spray is nothing more than something you spray on the leaves of your plant. I have a picture of corn that was planted just after last frost and was already above my head by the fourth of July. This is in middle Georgia. This corn was planted in ground that was very acidic (some of the soils tested there were below a five pH) yet the corn did well without treating the soil with limestone. The ground was tight and had to be broken up with lots of organic material added to keep it light and moisture retentive, but most of my success was due to the Sea Minerals (I wish that I had known about the Food4Wealth gardening system before I started my garden it would have saved me a whole lot of work). I wish that I had foresight to leave some corn untreated with the Sea Minerals for a comparison, but I didn’t. This corn was ten feet tall by the time of harvest and yielded three and four ears per stock.

Why do Sea Minerals work so well? Because Sea Minerals are what has been lost from the soil due to the leaching of elements out of the soil by rain. Plants need water but the rains, especially in this part of the country, can be few and far between, but when they do come they come two or three inches at a time. All of those valuable minerals are flushed out of the soil and end up in the ocean as salt. The minerals or elements, most of what’s found on the periodic table of elements, in that salt are in almost the same proportion to what you’d find in blood. The leaves of the plants are able to absorb those minerals where they are converted to a mineral source that our bodies can best utilize. Remember: a plant can’t make a mineral if it isn’t present, it can only supply those minerals that the soil offers or that you provide by other means. Those important micro nutrients that may me missing in your soil can be found in the Sea Minerals. Plants need those minerals just as much as we do to be healthy.

And a little goes a long way. Why is that? Because you only have to use a half teaspoon full of salt per gallon of water. That’s right just a half teaspoon. You wet the leaves with the Sea Minerals two or three times during the season. It doesn’t take long to do it, but it yields great results (you can spray the underside of the leaves if you like).
Sea Minerals are considered organic because they aren’t produced by any chemical process; they are made by evaporating sea water from a source that’s found away from pollution.

Will Sea Minerals harm your plants? No! I don’t know that I’d spray them on azaleas, but other than that, almost any kind of plant that needs a more pH balanced soil will do well with them. Maybe azaleas would do well also? Remember, your not spraying Sea Minerals on your plants in a concentration strong enough to be toxic to plants or animals. In fact, you could provide Sea Minerals to your live stock as a mineral supplement if wanted. It’s only sea salt.
I'm going to be offering Sea Minerals soon.  Please be patient with me. 
This is a picture of my corn taken in mid July of the 2009 gardening season.  I don't have pictures from last year.  This is the corn that I was talking about that was ten foot tall at harvest.

This is a picture of my homemade greenhouse.  I'm going to provide free plans on how to build an inexpensive greenhouse.  Those plans are in the process of being made.

This is a picture of my hydraulic ram pump that pumps water to my greenhouse and garden.  I'm going to include free plans on how to build this.  They're in the process of being made.

Here's the link: <a href="http://3518a6l7tbyk0ucahbtsas8ney.hop.clickbank.net/" target="_top">Click Here!</a>

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Everybody knows what a disease is – right? I always thought that when
somebody said the word “disease” they meant something like cancer, diabetes or
something along those lines. I have to admit that I was in my forties before I
found out what the word “disease” really meant and I learned it in college in a
medical terminology course. Even Webster’s has the proper definition. Let’s
obsolete : TROUBLE
parts that impairs normal functioning : SICKNESS, MALADY
: a condition of the living animal or plant body or of one of its
: a harmful development (as in a social institution)
So there you have it. The word “disease” is really two words: “dis” meaning not
and “ease” meaning the state of being comfortable or to be free of pain or
discomfort. So you can see that anything that makes us uncomfortable or not at
ease is really a disease. It could be the lack of finances, embarrassment or
difficulty with a spouse, child, friend, parent or whoever. It could also be a
sickness such as cancer. You might not have a sickness like cancer but, you might
still have a disease.
You might be thinking that this is a silly point I’m making, but I don’t think
so or I wouldn’t be bringing it up. This is something that I do believe: that there is
a cure for all disease, both sickness and discomfort alike. One only has to be
willing to find it because, for the most part, people make a living off of other
people’s diseases so there’s an interest in maintaining the status quo.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

NutsOnline a Healthy Snack

Thinking about a healthy snack?  Think about Nuts!
NutsOnline has a whole line of nuts including the ultimate in health: Raw Organic Nuts.  Help yourself to health.
Since we are a website dedicated to healthy living here is a way to satisfy your craving for comfort foods.  Nuts!  That's right, enjoy nuts, their loaded with all kinds of nutrients.  Take a look at what NutsOnline has to offer.  Please excuse us if our adds are a little messy right now.  We're in the process of getting this ball rolling, so please be patient with us.  Try NutsOnline anyway, their still good even if our methods are crude right now.  Click the link below!
<a href="http://www.kqzyfj.com/cs65r09608OTUUYQYWOQPWWVTRS" target="_blank"

Monday, February 7, 2011

Healthy Living

This blog is centered around healthy living.  This will include things about easy organic gardening concepts, ways to make and save money by producing your own healthy organic food.  Even ways of making money so that you can have a healthy income as well as a healthy body.  Look forward to more of this in the future.  To start check this link out:
<a href="http://3518a6l7tbyk0ucahbtsas8ney.hop.clickbank.net/" target="_top">Click Here!</a>  This is one of the greatest innovations in home gardening concepts that I've seen over the years.  It's one that I've begun using myself.  It'll save you time in setting up your garden if you don't have one.  It'll save you time(you'll only use as little as eight hours a year to maintain) and it'll save you lots of money on good wholesome nutritious organic food; food that you can trust to be free of harmful pesticides and herbicides.  Your food will be chock full of the valuable nutrients that are lost each minute after harvest.  Do yourself and your family a favor and start this fantastically simple gardening program now.