Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Relieve Chronic Pain

A couple of years ago I started a blog named Living Healthy the Ganaiden Way. The idea behind this blog was to bring to people some of the knowledge that I had obtained over the years that changed my life from bearable to wonderful. The blog would feature ideas that encompassed both health and wealth.

Well, I've had my setbacks along the way because some of the ideas I had were just plain false. I'll write about some of those things later. For now I want to write about something that greatly excites me; something that deals with both health and wealth at the same time. Can this really be possible?

I've had the privilege over the years of meeting several very wealth people some whose wealth ranged in the multiple billions. Some were born into and were already familiar with the principles behind obtaining and managing wealth and some started out in poverty and learned the principles of obtaining and managing wealth from other wealthy people. What I offer now isn't of my own invention, but instead comes from these people I know and many I'll never meet.

I won't spend a lot of time here going over all of the principles behind obtaining wealth except that I will focus on three of the major principles.  These are things that I've learned in the School of Hard Knocks.    

This is going to be very short: If you want wealth you have to have a Burning Desire coupled with a Definite Purpose and a Dogged Determination to Never Quit. Success is an idea and not a condition. Napoleon Hill said it best: we have to THINK and GROW RICH. I highly recommend reading his book. You can find it online as a free download Here: Think and Grow Rich . However, this is only part of what excites me. 

I was looking for and found by chance, or not, a business that would successfully combine both health and wealth and I found it. There are many out there who suffer daily in the grips of chronic pain. Well, there can be relief for Chronic Pain and it doesn't have to be expensive either. The good news is that you can take the relief you receive through this idea and turn that relief into a great income opportunity. So, the good news is: if you're willing to spend some of your valuable time you can discover this opportunity for yourself. You'll find it here:  Relieve Your Chronic Pain
Live well and Prosper