Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Freedom and Conspiracies
What is freedom, what is liberty and are there conspiracies?
A few definitions are in order: But first, you may wonder why I like to include definitions in my work? The reasons are simple: first, it puts us on the same level of understanding. How can you understand what I’m saying if the words I use to describe something mean something different to you? Second, if what I have to say is true then it’s true for all time. How will someone in the future know what I’m saying if my words mean something different from the words they use? A new Rosetta Stone will be needed in the future to understand the things written today. Something that will be the key to understanding in the future what was said in the past; a link between now and then.
Why should I have anything to say; aren’t there enough people out there already saying the same thing and maybe saying it in a better way? I should be saying the truth, you should be saying the truth and everybody should be voicing the truth. That’s the only way that the truth can be truly spread, by each one of us saying it.
What is the truth? This is a harder question to answer because the truth often seems to be one of perspective. Sometimes the truth has to be revealed a little at a time; like the truth that the world is round and not flat and that the world orbits around our sun and not the other way around. It took a long time before these basics were understood and it took brave people to express these truths before they were accepted.
But, isn’t all of this that I’ve written so far just a waste of words? Not if it helps you to understand how I think and it could be that how and what I think are important things to someone besides me. If I’m able to help one person on their journey to the truth then I was successful. And it doesn’t matter if that one person is alive today or won’t be alive for a thousand years to come. Hopefully these words will somehow survive me to be read by others.
So, what is freedom? To me freedom is the ability to do the right thing. It’s not the ability to do what I want because what I want to do may be harmful to someone else. I may have the ability to do whatever I want regardless of it’s benefit to others but, if that’s freedom then freedom isn’t necessarily a good thing to have. The Nazi’s were free to impose their will on eleven million souls all in the name of advancing their idea of a better society. Were the Nazi’s right? You’ll have to be the judge.
So here’s a dictionary definition of freedom:

1 : the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : INDEPENDENCE c : the quality or state of being exempt or released usually from something onerous <freedom from care> d : EASE, FACILITY <spoke the language with freedom> f : improper familiarity g : boldness of conception or execution h : unrestricted use <gave him the freedom of their home>
2 a : a political right b : FRANCHISE, PRIVILEGE

So it appears that one man’s freedom could be another man’s enslavement.

How about liberty? Here’s the definition:

1 : the quality or state of being free a : the power to do as one pleases b : freedom from physical restraint c : freedom from arbitrary or despotic control d : the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges e : power of choice
2a : a right or immunity enjoyed by prescription or by grant : PRIVILEGE b : permission especially to go freely within specified limits
3 : an action going beyond normal limits as a : a breach of etiquette or propriety: FAMILIARITY b : RISK, CHANCE <took foolish liberties with his health> c : a violation of rules or a deviation from standard practice d : a distortion of fact
4 : a short authorized absence from naval duty usually for less that 48 hours

So now, it looks as if liberty and freedom are the same thing but, are they or should they be? Webster’s dictionary uses variations of the words liberty and freedom in both definitions. The problem is that these definitions are correct but, while in my opinion, they convey a dangerous thought: that having freedom or liberty means that one can do anything just as the Nazi’s did to eleven million souls. One thing becomes apparent to me: we will always have the freedom or liberty to do the vary same things the Nazi’s did when they exterminated eleven million people against their will.

How about a conspiracy? Here’s a definition of conspire first:

transitive senses : PLOT, CONTRIVE

intransitive senses
1a : to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or an act which becomes unlawful as a result of the secret agreement b : SCHEME
2 : to act in harmony toward a common end <circumstances conspired to defeat his efforts>

Here’s the definition for conspiracy:

1 : the act of conspiring together
2a : an agreement among conspirators b : a group of conspirators

There are plenty of people who are scheming to break the law and not just the civil laws but the moral law. These are people who create viruses to infect peoples computers that are designed to destroy the work or other peoples minds and hands. These are people who conspire to relieve you of your life, liberty, property and happiness. There are so many of these people that it is estimated that a full twenty five percent of every dollar we spend (that is what’s left of our income after taxes) goes toward paying for the loses created by these people. We need vast armies and police forces to protect us from them. We spend a fortune to build prisons to hold them all at a cost of over twenty nine thousand dollars a year to house each one of them. The cost of supplying an army is a pure cost and other than protecting our liberty has no other benefit to us. If people learned to behave these cost could be eliminated.
The true cost of this isn’t just in dollars either. The crimes these people commit against us creates mental scars that linger with the victims the rest of their lives. These scars are painful to endure. So it looks like there could be an abundance of conspiracies going on.

But do these conspiracies end with just the people we consider to be criminals? No. Our politicians, doctors and lawyers are in there also. Our politicians scheme up ways to separate us from our monies by ever more ingenious ways. The taxes we pay are often hidden ones. They have convinced us that taxing corporations is a good idea all the while we fail to understand that the corporations only passes those taxes back onto us in the cost of their goods and services then we turn around and pay sales taxes on those hidden corporate taxes that we pay. The amount of corporate tax paid isn’t itemized on your sales receipt so there’s no way to know how much corporate tax you’re actually paying to the government. Ingenious. Then somehow they convinced us that it was a good idea to pay real-estate and property taxes. If we fail to pay them we lose our properties. Who owns these properties if they can be taken away from us if we aren’t able to pay them? They do. All we’re doing is paying rent to the king all the while we are tricked into spending our hard earned and heavily income taxed money to maintain properties that are even more heavily taxed when they are maintained by us. If we added up all of the taxes and fees that we pay we might be astounded to find that our government consumes close to sixty percent of our income and it’s always looking for ways to get more. Now I’m not against all taxes but lets be open eyed about it. Let’s require our government to be honest about how it goes about relieving us of our money. Let’s require the government to allow us to actually own our properties by removing these property taxes. Let them stop taxing corporations so that we don’t end up paying sales tax on corporate taxes. Let them lump all of the different taxes together and create one giant sales tax or income tax to pay for all of our needs. But our politicians are too smart for that. They know that if they did it we’d be outraged, rebel and then drag them out of their offices in chains and hang or shoot them. So they have all of these tiny little fees and hidden taxes that are most effective at nibbling away at our money. But, this is just the beginning.
Our doctors are in there also. They have an interest in maintaining the status quo. Although I will be fair because there seems to be a movement by some physicians to actually begin taking care of their patients by advising them to eat healthier. However for the most part the sick care industry doesn’t make any money unless you get sick. The doctor won’t make money from a person that doesn’t need them. So our sick care industry has coupled itself with the bad food industry with the result being that a much weakened body requires the use of the sick care providers to keep us alive. But, we are complicate in this conspiracy. I watched a commercial the other day that was singing the praises of a patented drug that would allow a person to eat anything they wanted; the drug was designed to eliminate heart burn and the resultant damage caused by acid reflux. The problem of heart burn is remove but, the damage and weakness caused by this poisonous food isn’t apparent to the person eating it because it takes years before the damage and weakness get to the point that it becomes debilitating. By that time the sick care industry has no idea what it was that caused this damage and weakness but, that doesn’t matter because they’ll be glad to help you continue to kill yourself for a healthy fee. It’ll take most of your hard earned resources or if the politicians have their way, the resources of everyone, to pay those fees. They’ll just spread the cost of killing ourselves to everyone so that we can continue to eliminate ourselves. Did someone actually sit down and scheme this system up? It’s taken many lifetimes for this system to become all pervasive. So it doesn’t seem probable that this sick care system was the design of one group of men. But, maybe it was. Or maybe there’s another entity, a being, at work.
Let’s stick with men for now. Our lawyers are in there also. They don’t make money unless you need them. So they often become judges and politicians who influence the making of law that guarantee that we will have to seek out their expensive advice and expert services in our courts. Are all lawyers bad? I’ve pondered this question for years and still am not sure about how many good lawyers there might actually be. Face it, there are few of them who are willing to work for free. I don’t blame them, college is expensive and everyone needs to make a living. And again we are complicate in this scheme. There are enough just laws on the books which we are often willing to break. Then we require those expert services to keep the punishment to a minimum. But, there are over three million laws on the books and sometimes we just end up in the wrong spot at the wrong time and we get tangled up in the legal system and that’s when we want the best lawyer our money can buy.
So I’ll be fair and say there is a real need for politicians, doctors and lawyers. Our politicians can help us to collect our efforts to provide roads, schools, armies, police forces, water systems and a host of other services that we really need. Our doctors, when they are at their best, help us when we get hurt and require fixing and when the real cause of our disease may be hidden from them and us they can bring us relief from our misery. Our lawyers can help to insure that we are able to carry out our wishes in a way that protect us and others from our own misguided efforts or that will protect us from the conspiratorial intent of others. But, if we are too busy to keep an eye on these people or are too naive to see what’s really going on then we are doomed to become victims.
How many of us actually understand what’s happening? Precious few. Am I one of those who sees anything going on? I think so. So I’m a voice crying out in the vast wilderness of blind souls who are hoping that somehow they can make it through this vast dark wilderness to the light of abundance. I’m attempting to help lead, even if it’s only a few, to this abundance. But, I have my own blindness to deal with also that was created by the generations before me who themselves were blind. But, my eyes are being healed and as they get better I’m able to see more and more which allows me to help lead the way to those that I’m closest to. I can’t help everyone but, I can help some.