Sunday, October 22, 2017

Success is a formula and we have the best one out there.  If you even entertain the possibility that you can really find something that works, doesn't cost a fortune (FREE), then don't waste another minute, click the link above or below. 

You get a free website and BEW does all of the contact work for you.  You only need to advertise (and it's cheap to advertise even worldwide) and you collect your commissions every day that somebody becomes a paid member.  There are a lot of hungry people out there. Everything you want or need to know is in the website.

Many people go to work and deal with obstinate bosses and belligerent co-workers, go home just to repeat the cycle every day. It's a cycle they despise, but have to do to pay the bills.  They desperately seek a way out, look at opportunities, but don't believe they will work for them.

I've been there, but I've never stopped looking. Now I've found something I know works because a friend of mine, who had limited knowledge of the internet, is doing this and making money. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Business is Booming!

This BUSINESS is Growing By
Leaps and Bounds!

It's exciting, I've only been in this business a couple of weeks and there are already 10 people
associated with me!

OK, so you asking:What's so great about it?
1.  We have a unique product that we can move just        about anywhere around the world through
         the the post office for $4.95!


What makes this product UNIQUE?
*  PowerStrips are Doctor formulated!
*  A FDA classified Class 1 Medical device!
* The PowerStrips contain a specially formulated 
    adhesive that virtually eliminates the possibility
     for skin irritation!
* The backing material contains Germanium
    which can't come in contact with the skin.
    Germanium refocuses the body's 
      energy back into the tissues in the form of
       FAR infrared energy that then opens the
        Nitrous oxide channels which helps to 
          reduce the sensation of pain. It also
           helps to improve the blood flow 
                        to the cells.

Power Strips contain a Unique and Potent 
       proprietary blend of ingredients!        

* Fermented Korean Red Ginseng!
    Korean Red Ginseng has many beneficial 
     Properties.  Some of these properties are:
        Helps control the blood pressure
        Helps control blood sugar
        Aids in detoxification
        Helps to boost the immune system
        And Much more
*Marine Phytoplankton Alpha 3 CMP
        This is one of nature's few superfoods!
         An exclusive process guarantees that 
         the nutrients found in it are available
         to the cells of the body to give them 
         the nutrition they need to help heal 
*Silver Ions
          Silver is a powerful natural and safe 
          substance that works with body to help
          fight off infection.

FGXpress can offer you much more than 
just helping to control your cronic
FGXpress can offer you the opportunity to generate
                   an income from home!
This is Important!
Many people frown on home based business
because they don't understand them.  They are exactly that: businesses.  You would be in business for yourself but not by yourself.  

Truly, it's in the best interests of those that introduce you to this kind of business help to make you successful because they can't be successful until you  are.  We can help you build a business but we can't do it for you.  

It's possible to put you in touch with coaches who can lead you by the hand, help you to save money and at the same time build a successful business.  
            So if you'd like to know more 
                  Click Here-->FGXpress
Then click the little green "click me" button at the 
                        top of my page.
                        Chris Schilke

Disclaimer:  FGXpriess PowerStrips are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases.  There, I said that so I don't get in trouble.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Chronic Pain Relief


Good evening.  Are you suffering with chronic pain?  Does your back, hips, thighs, shoulders, arms or other areas of your body constantly hurt?  It's possible that there can be relief for these debilitating long term pains.  

I've posted before that pain is in reality our friend.  It may be a friend that we don't welcome, but never the less it's still our friend.  Why?

Pain tells us that we have a problem.  The sooner we address the problem the sooner we can get our friend to leave.  The problem arises when we don't take the appropriate actions and our friend decides to take up permanent residence, then our friend becomes our enemy.  

Loss of sleep and rest can make it difficult for our body to recuperate from whatever has caused our friend to visit in the first place.  I don't know of many people who can get a good nights rest when their friend is being so noisy.  It may be possible to turn things around if we can get our friend to at least shut up for while so we can get some peaceful rest.

Well, there is a way to achieve this relief.  Someone showed me that there is something out there that was developed by a doctor and that the FDA has put it's stamp of approval on.  It's a patch that contains natural ingredients like ginseng and other natural ingredients that relieve pain and promotes healthy blood flow.  It's a simple remedy because all that person needs to do is apply the patch over the affected area and shortly relief follows.  This makes it possible for a more natural restful sleep cycle to be maintained.  Many people experience relief that allows them to sleep peacefully through the night without their noisy friend.  

I'm not a doctor and a doctor's advice should always be sought.  But, having said that; these patches can be obtained without a prescription.  Where does a person find these wonderful patches?  You can find them here:  Fast Effective Pain Relief 

There is one other fantastic aspect to these patches: they can be sold anywhere around the world by anyone willing to take the initiative. 
Rest well and prosper

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Relieve Chronic Pain

A couple of years ago I started a blog named Living Healthy the Ganaiden Way. The idea behind this blog was to bring to people some of the knowledge that I had obtained over the years that changed my life from bearable to wonderful. The blog would feature ideas that encompassed both health and wealth.

Well, I've had my setbacks along the way because some of the ideas I had were just plain false. I'll write about some of those things later. For now I want to write about something that greatly excites me; something that deals with both health and wealth at the same time. Can this really be possible?

I've had the privilege over the years of meeting several very wealth people some whose wealth ranged in the multiple billions. Some were born into and were already familiar with the principles behind obtaining and managing wealth and some started out in poverty and learned the principles of obtaining and managing wealth from other wealthy people. What I offer now isn't of my own invention, but instead comes from these people I know and many I'll never meet.

I won't spend a lot of time here going over all of the principles behind obtaining wealth except that I will focus on three of the major principles.  These are things that I've learned in the School of Hard Knocks.    

This is going to be very short: If you want wealth you have to have a Burning Desire coupled with a Definite Purpose and a Dogged Determination to Never Quit. Success is an idea and not a condition. Napoleon Hill said it best: we have to THINK and GROW RICH. I highly recommend reading his book. You can find it online as a free download Here: Think and Grow Rich . However, this is only part of what excites me. 

I was looking for and found by chance, or not, a business that would successfully combine both health and wealth and I found it. There are many out there who suffer daily in the grips of chronic pain. Well, there can be relief for Chronic Pain and it doesn't have to be expensive either. The good news is that you can take the relief you receive through this idea and turn that relief into a great income opportunity. So, the good news is: if you're willing to spend some of your valuable time you can discover this opportunity for yourself. You'll find it here:  Relieve Your Chronic Pain
Live well and Prosper

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Now that I've bored people with my spiel about how important water is to the body, I want to talk about where we might get that water from.  It's all a matter of personal preferences but it should be as pure as possible no matter where we get it from.
I checked into getting a machine that filters, oxygenates and alkalizes the water but my main objection to those are the cost of the machine and the expense of replacing the filters or the electrical grids that can erode away if the machine isn't built correctly; and some of these machines have chemicals you have to add to them.  And a real concern to me is whether the filter is really doing what I need it to do and if it is how long will it do it for?
As for me I like distilled water.  Why?  Because it's as clean as nature knows how to make it.  There won't be any harmful pathogens, no toxic metals and chemicals or toxic organic compounds; just plain water.  There aren't any expensive filters to replace or costly electrical components to burn out or leach away into the water you will be drinking  I don't have to worry about plastics leaching into my distilled water because I store it glass containers.  And if I drink it fresh from the distiller then it will often have a kind of "sweet" quality to it.
There are critics who speak out against the possible side effects of drinking distilled water all of the time and their major complaint seems to center around the idea that distilled water can leach the minerals out of your body..  I suppose that this issue may have some validity  to it but, the answer seems simple: add some sea salt to the water before you drink it.  Real sea salt has a mineral content almost in the same proportions as the mineral content of our blood.  How much sea salt?  From what I gather you won't need to add more that a quarter teaspoon full to every gallon of water.  This sea salt also has one other benefit: it tends to neutralize the slightly acidic quality of distilled water.
Sea salt:  No discussion of water could possibly be complete without a discussion of salt.  I've done some checking on the subject of the health benefits of sea salt and what I found mostly debunks my theories on it.  Basically my theory is that sea salt is healthier for you.  The Mayo Clinic says there's very little difference between table salt and sea salt other than the slight elemental differences; sea salt contains them and table salt doesn't..  Many other sites on the internet say the same thing.  But is this really the truth?
Table salt is basically sea salt with the minerals removed and that has been dried out using high heat and then has had anti-caking agents(aluminum compounds) added along with a chemical form of iodine added for the thyroid gland.  The problem with table salt is just that: it's stripped down chemically altered, due to heat, sea salt that the body may not be able to properly process without the other elements that are found in sea salt.
Sea salt is evaporated salt water that still contains the minerals found there and usually, but not always, lacks iodine.   There are many forms of sea salt and they have a wide variety of crystalline structures and often various mineral combinations that make them differ slightly from one another.  These differences come from the differences found in the various places where they are harvested from.  We need to choose a brand that we know has been harvested from unpolluted sources.  Celtic Sea Salt is supposed to be one such brand.  But, why is salt so vital to our body?
This is a quote from Wikipedia:

Normal saline (NS) is the commonly-used phrase for a solution of 0.90% w/v of NaCl, about 300 mOsm/L or 9.0 g per liter.a Less commonly, this solution is referred to as physiological saline or isotonic saline, neither of which is technically accurate. NS is used frequently in intravenous drips (IVs) for patients who cannot take fluids orally and have developed or are in danger of developing dehydration or hypovolemia. NS is typically the first fluid used when hypovolemia is severe enough to threaten the adequacy of blood circulation, and has long been believed to be the safest fluid to give quickly in large volumes. However, it is now known that rapid infusion of NS can cause metabolic acidosis.[1]
 End Quote
Basically, salt regulates the water content of the cells, from the cells in the blood to the cells in our skeleton.  Higher than normal levels of salt in the blood will "dry up" the red blood cells which if severe enough will interfere in their ability to transport nutrients to the cells in the form of oxygen.  Too little salt in the blood will cause the red blood cells to absorb water which under extreme conditions can lead to them bursting which could pose a life threatening situation.  I've actually seen, under a microscope,  what both extremes of salinity has on the blood when I was in college.  The red blood cells looked smooth and kind of kidney shaped in normal saline conditions, the red blood cells resembled spiked balls under high saline conditions and the red blood cell burst when plain water was introduced to them.  
So the body works to maintain the proper salinity of the cells.  But, minor temporary changes in salinity of the blood could be beneficial to the cells as this change may help transport nutrients and wastes into and out of the cells through the movement of water in and out of the cells.  I would speculate that we wouldn't have to worry about any problems either way as long as we're getting enough  of both clean water and good salt.  The body will tell us as long as we learn to listen to it.
Here's a quote from

 Sea Salt and high blood pressure
  • Salt is not bad for you. It does not raise the blood pressure
    - It is the insufficiency of other minerals that normally hold on to and keep water inside the cells that causes a rise in blood pressure.
    - Contrary to the misconception that it causes high blood pressure (in conjunction with water and the other essential minerals).
    - One or two glasses of water with a little salt will quickly and efficiently quiet the racing and "thumping" heart and, in the long run, will reduce the blood pressure.
So we need to learn how to listen to our body and it will tell us.  Does this remedy from above really work?  Well, I don't often suffer in this way, in fact it's something that's rare but, on occasion, I've been roused from my sleep by this uneasy tossing and turning and found that all I needed was a drink of water and this was just my body's way of saying so. 
Trying to find a source for what you need can be a challenge but, here's a good place to find almost anything you want:  Grandpa's Mart
Here's to your health


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ultimate Health

I can't treat, diagnose or cure any disease except my own.  There, got that out of the way.
I've been actively working on several physical limitations of mine for the last several years.  The progress has been gradual but steady and recently that gradual progression increased it's pace.  It's these changes that have prompted some of my posts and that includes this one.
I was going to include everything in one post but, I have a tendency to go on way too long so I'm breaking it up into pieces and I'll devote a little more energy into each piece.
Our bodies are made to be in motion.  This gift of motion can only be fully realized through one thing only and that is through health.  In fact our health and our ability to move are intricately linked and you can't have real health without the ability to move under your own power.
I'm going to include a list of things that I believe that we must do to achieve and maintain our health and our ability to move:
  • Drink lots of good clean water.
  • Eat the right kind of foods
  • Breath properly
  • Quality Rest
  • Plenty of movement
  • Stretching
  • Messaging
  • Blinking
I've listed things in a rough order but, all of them are important.  I covered Water before in one of my previous posts but, this item is too important not to make further comment.
Water is essential to our life.  We start out to be about 98% water at conception, 90% at birth, 75% at middle age and if we live long enough we'll be about 50% at death.  Is there a link between dehydration, aging and degenerative disease?  I think so.  If we shortchange any part of the body of the water it needs to function we shortchange the whole body.  I don't believe that there is any metabolic process in the body that doesn't somehow rely on water.
Many of us don't even like to drink water, instead we prefer flavored beverages, many of which are really harmful for us if we are dehydrated because those beverages have a diuretic action on the body and this only serves to exacerbate the existing dehydration.
Our ability to move as anything but a newborn infant is directly linked to our level of hydration.  Newborns can't walk as their musculoskeletal systems are too fluid and water doesn't walk it flows.  Our ability to move under our own power comes as the muscles and bones begin to solidify.  Then after about the age of twenty five we begin the battle in earnest to keep ourselves properly hydrated.
Have you ever noticed how old people move about, that is those who are still ambulatory and not just getting around in their power chairs?  Their stride is short and halting, most often being nothing more than a short shuffle.  Their ability to balance is compromised by muscles that are no longer able to function properly.  Why?
It's my firm conviction that they are suffering from a lifetime of dehydration.  The bones are dry, the joints have dried up and rubbed away through friction, the muscles, ligaments and tendons have shortened and become inflexible just like leather that has dried out in the sun and every other vital system has been compromised due to this dehydration along with those mentioned above.
Can kidney stones form when there is an adequate amount of fluid to keep the kidneys properly flushed out?  Will the skin dry up and become leathery if it is properly moisturized?  Will the eyes continue to be "bright" if there is enough moisture to produce tears?  Will toxins be able to build up in and under the skin if the circulatory system is able to carry them away?  Will the sinuses and lungs be able to keep themselves clear and functioning properly if there is an adequate amount of water in the body?  This is only a partial list of things that come to mind concerning water and the body.
There are several rules of thumb as to how much water to drink.  Some say: eight glasses of water a day and others say one half ounce of water for every pound of body weight and there are even some who claim that we shouldn't have to drink any water at all as we should be able to get what we need from the food we eat.  Which one is right?
In my opinion none of those are right.  The closest one would be the one that says we need one half ounce of water per pound of body weight but this is only a guideline as the body will tell us the real amount we need.  Our level of activity could increase the amount we need above what the guideline says.  We have to learn to listen to what the body is telling us.
Our bodies don't have any way of talking to us except through comfort and pain.  We are comfortable, that is without disease, when we are doing what the body asks and we experience pain, that is we have disease, when we fail to attended to the bodies needs.  A dry mouth is not just a cry but a scream from our body to give it water.  Stiff aching joints or the presence of kidney stones may be the body's anguished cries for water.  Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are the body's last gasps for water.  In fact it's astounding as how many ways the body has of asking us to drink water all of which would be unnecessary if we only drank what the body requires.   Can the body cure all diseases by just providing it with enough water?
No it can't and that's why I created the list of things I believe to be necessary for real health but to a large degree I consider water to be one of the most neglected nutrients in our diet.
A better guideline for drinking water:  We need to drink water when we first wake up even before we get out of bed.  How much water?  Until the mouth feels fully hydrated which can take a while to determine.  We don't want to drown ourselves with water by drinking a half gallon at a time but drinking a quart or more over fifteen or twenty minutes won't hurt. Then we need to respond by drinking water every time we begin to feel like the mouth is drying out. Warning: the mouth should never be dry to the point where you can't make spit.  There are times that we shouldn't drink water: we shouldn't drink any water one half hour before we eat, not while we're eating and nothing during the two hour period after we eat. It'll take time to learn to recognize our bodies requests for water.
Drinking water when we first wake up helps to create adequate amounts of fluids to help flush out the kidneys that have been holding urine all night and will help to give the lungs and sinuses the extra moisture they need to clear themselves and will also give the bowels an adequate amount so it can clear itself.  We've been breathing all night long and the lungs, sinuses and kidneys are the major users of water during this time.  The air we breath has to be moisturized with every breath we take and that moisture is lost to the atmosphere as we exhale.  The point is that we lose so much water as we sleep that we need to break the water fast with enough water to put things back on track which includes giving the body enough water to make enough saliva to mix with the food and enough water so that the stomach will have enough digestive juices when the food gets there.
This should be a good enough place to stop with this subject of water; enough to get you started on the right track.  There are is a good book on this subject written by Fereydoon Batmanghelidj entitled "Your Body's Many Cries for Water"
If we learn to listen to the body it'll respond and say thank you by being comfortable. More with the next post.