Thursday, February 16, 2012

Living in the Police State
The Source For Income
I just read an article by The Healthy Home Economist.  Here's the post: The Police State run Schools
Not only are we increasingly being subjected to the unwanted intrusion of the government into our lives but, they are forcing our children to eat poison.  I don't feel that you could consider what they serve in public school cafeterias  to be anythinhg but poison.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Want to Make Money From Home?

The internet has made more millionaires worldwide than any other medium ever.  But, it's not a friendly place for newcomers.  There are many things that you will need to know in order to find your way into the hearts and pocket books of  internet users.  It helps to have as much help as possible and there really are no cheap shortcuts to doing it. 

I've responded to dozens of "get rich fast" internet marketing programs and they all promise massive results and you start out paying $49 to get started but, then you find out you can't do much with the forty nine dollar deal and that there is a better package that costs more.  It's the standard bait and switch con game.

Well, there are ways to do it cheaply but, they aren't fast.  You've got to have something that people are looking for and you've got to find a way to get that idea before the people or you won't go anywhere.  There are solutions and one of the best is to get help from people who know what they are doing.  That is seldom very cheap.  But, if you are serious about any business you'll be willing to invest in it.

Here's a good place to go to find out how to make money from home on the internet:  The Source For Income  Check this site out.  It offers many things. 

Concerned about weight loss?

If you're concerned about weight loss then maybe your metabolism is too slow.  Here's some good information about your metabolism:

Measuring Our Metabolism

Advertising has been strong when it comes to losing weight products and services. Through this medium, people are becoming more interested and captivated with the promises and the assurances these ads hold. In this modern world, everything that meets the eye is marketable- sad to say.

We need not carried away with these commercials. Increasing your metabolism is the best means of doing so. You just need your self, and a little help from outside factors. The first step is to measure your metabolism.

How do we measure metabolism?
A metabolic test comes in two ways. The first method is direct calorimetry. This method measures the energy expended in the form of heat. The other one is indirect calorimetry, it measures the amount of oxygen consumed over a period of time. Traditionally used in hospital and research facilities due to the cost of the machine and the need for trained technicians.
What are the needed preparations for the test?
The aim of the test is to gauge the RMR or the Resting Metabolic Rate of an individual. Therefore, he or she needs to avoid eating a meal 1 and a half hours before the test, avoid exercising on the day of your test and avoid the use of stimulants such as caffeine on the day of the test.
What happens in the testing bed?
You will relax in a seated position; the doctor will ask you to do this. A mask or mouthpiece would be used and you have to breathe in there for ten to fifteen minutes. A report after the test would be printed out by the machine. The most important part is that you discuss the results with the doctor in order to come up with the next steps for your diet plans.
Would the test results be useful for good?
No. You have to retest after some time. Your RMR and your total metabolism changes through time. Change in any element of your lifestyle would directly affect the result. For you to keep a track of your metabolic rate, seek help from a doctor.
There is a need for one person to give value to his metabolism because it will not just decide your size but it will have an impact on your lifestyle and on your entire life.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Hello, I'm Johnny Cash

Surprising Lessons For Work At Home Moms.

No I'm not really Johnny Cash but, this writer has pulled some great lessons for moms who want to work from home from some of Johnny Cash's songs. Here's the article.

I've unearthed some surprising bits of wisdom for new wahms by listening to Johnny Cash lately. I thought I would share some of these tidbits from the Rockabilly legend.

1) Understand Your Man, target market!
That's right. Do you understand your target market? Are you aware of her needs, desires and driving ambitions? Does your website speak to your target audience? If not, perhaps you should make some changes or your website visitor or customer will be "as gone as a wild goose in winter" too!

2) A Boy Named Sue
Life ain't easy for a boy named Sue...and life ain't easy for a wahm either. In your business you will have those confidence killers, dream stealers, fun suckers...whatever you want to call them. You will have people who try to tell you that you can't achieve your goals, that what you try won't work. Don't let them get you down! Sue's father told him, "This world is rough, and if you're gonna make it, you've gotta be tough." How can you get tough in your business?

3) Man In Black- or Branding 101
J.R. Cash didn't don the all black suit because he didn't have anything else to wear. It was his trademark. He wore all black for a reason. What about you? Are you working on your brand? In a world full of Elvis Presleys and Jerry Lee Lewises, how will you stand apart? And remember, your target market doesn't have to be just like you- Johnny Cash wrote Folsom Prison Blues and connected with inmates when he had never yet step foot in jail!

4) The Legend of John Henry's Hammer
This song has two bits of wisdom:

a) Learn your business and you will succeed John Henry's Daddy told him to: "Learn to a turn a jack, learn to lay a track, learn to pick and shovel too." Are you learning all you can about Internet Marketing so that you can succeed in your business? Do you reinvest in ebooks, coaching and mentoring, and software like John Henry's hammer?

b) Technology has its place but it can't take the place of humans. When the steam engine threatened to take the place of men, Johnny proved that in the end, humans are more valuable. Learn to use technology (like autoresponders) but remember that your website visitor is a human and inject some of yourself into your marketing efforts.

5) One Piece at a Time
This ballad is about a man who decides to build a Cadillac. He steals one piece at a time from the assembly line "and it didn't cost him a dime". But in the end, it didn't work out exactly like he planned! Does your website look like a pieced together jalopy? Are you unwilling to spend any money on your own domain and hosting, content with a free site cluttered up with ads?

6) In The Jailhouse
Now Please don't throw away your hard work by doing one of the following things: Spamming
Copying other people's articles or content
Stealing graphics
Clicking on your Adsense ads
Not keeping records and neglecting to pay taxes It just isn't worth it, and you may find yourself in the jailhouse. Much better to Walk the Line so you can sleep at night.

7) Ring of Fire
Maybe you've made a bad choice... entered into a shotgun romance with a business that's not right for you. Don't be afraid to realize this, chuck everything and start over! Don't beat your head against the wall if, after working hard on a project, you decide it's just not profitable. Better to find your match and pour your energies into that. In this song, June Carter Cash chronicles her growing attraction to John. Though they were both involved with other people, they were obviously soul mates and ended up making music and growing old together for the next 40 years. May you make beautiful music with your business!

I hope you find this article as refreshing as I did.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Warning, It's the End Of The World

I'm not a financial genius, a prophet or anything like that, I'm just a person, average or not, who thinks he can see the writing on the wall.   What's the writing say?

There is going to be some very tough times ahead.   What kind of tough times?  Things are going to get tougher economically.  The world is going to wake up to the  fact that the dollars we spend with it are only worthless pieces of paper or just worthless digits in digital system and it'll be to bad for us when they refuse to accept them as payment for the myriad of things we need from them.  Every dollar that the Fed prints dilutes the value of the dollars that are already out there.  The longer someone holds onto that piece of paper means that those dollars they hold are  losing value.  All of those trillions of dollars in stimulus money(currency) have no value because there isn't anything real behind it.  That stimulus money has only diluted the value of the currency you earn by about fifty percent and the problem is the rest of the world hasn't caught onto that fact yet but, be prepared for it when it does. The work to produce something those dollars hasn't even been done yet and the Federal Reserve system is busy cranking out more worthless currency.  You know this already don't you?   Is it really the end of the world?  No, just the end of another age and the beginning of a new one.  What does all of this mean?

It means that when the rest of the world won't accept our dollars for the things they export to us, like food and clothing, we'll have to find a way to produce it ourselves or go naked and hungry.  The land will always be there so at least you'll have a place to stand on or lay down on while you're dying naked and hungry waiting for the government to solve the problems.  Can that really happen here?  Yes it can because it's happened before and in many other places. 

Will the new age be any better than the previous one?  That depends on the people who survive to the new one.  People have to become better educated in all manners of things from: business and economics, nutrition and health, spiritual matters, the right ways to behave toward each other and so on.   It's probably the, "right way to behave toward each other" issue that is the most important. 

Gandhi said something to the effect that if it comes down to an eye for an eye that the world will go blind.  The real point is that we need to learn to treat each other better.  We can have a difference of opinion as long as it doesn't deteriorate into violence because then it's a matter of who's the strongest or trickiest.  I once knew a real tiny guy by the name of Louie who believed in equalizing a situation: he'd hit you over the head with a tire iron, or just shoot you if you turned your back on him.  A gun or a tire iron; which ever was the handiest.  So, there are plenty of Louie's out there and you'd better be prepared for them because they'll take everything you have away from you when it gets tough out there.

How can the next age become better than this one?   Learn that a business has to make more money than it spends in order to stay in business and that this principal holds true for families and governments.  That you can't just print more money when you think you need it.  That, generally, it takes more than one person to provide for your future if you can't provide for your own.   You can't just eat anything you want to and remain healthy.  That the food in your stomach comes from the earth and not a factory.    That you have to take an active part in teaching good behavior practices onto your children and that you can't leave that kind of thing up to a school or a church.  That as long as long as you're not sure about somebody that you can't trust them especially if they've demonstrated improper behavior in the past.  There is so much to know and you can't trust anybody else to know it for you; you'll be sorry if you do because few people are that trustworthy.  

Our problems stem from our ignorance so it's time to become educated about every aspect of life if your going to make the next age a better one than this one.  The sad fact of the matter is that we're rather lazy in some departments.  We're too busy to spend time teaching morals to our children so it's easier to let them learn them on their own or to let a school or church teach them.  But, it's also hard for us to know whether something is really true or not especially when we'll reserve our opinion until we've had a chance to hear it from some person we perceive as an authority figure to tell us what opinion to have.  People have become so indoctrinated by those authority figures until they can't see the truth when it's stares them in the face.  People will even claim that something is true because they've been told it's true even when they read something else because they'll read it like it's been told to them and not like it was written.  So what's this got to do with the end of the world?

Well, the world's not going to end but, like I said before: a new age is upon us.  We'll have to work to make it a better age if we want it to be better.  For now we have to function in the present age but, you'd better begin to get ready for the transition because it's very difficult to give birth, so I've been told, and the new age is awaiting it's birth.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


My dad started another business and it's with a product called Mileage Maxx.  The product does many things: reduces emissions, increases fuel economy, reduces maintenance, eliminates sludge from diesel storage tanks and is a few stabilizer among even more things.  This product has been on the market for some time now and it's been approved by the EPA. 

It only makes sense, in this day and age of rising costs, to find ways of reducing the costs of everyday living.  This product can help.  One bottle, which is one quart, will treat one hundred sixty gallons of either gasoline or diesel fuel.  The average savings per one hundred sixty gallons of fuel runs between $50 to $100 at the price of $3 per gallon for fuel.  The higher the fuel costs the more savings that will be realized.  So, you owe it to yourself to try some. Here's a link  Mileage Maxx 

Now about the contest:  We will be running a contest that will award free bottles of Mileage Maxx to those lucky winners who leave the best comment about this site Mileage Maxx.  More details on this contest later.  Leave a comment if you're interest in this contest.

To Believe, a beutiful song

I know that this site was meant to be about health and wealth and it still is.  This post is about what makes us feel good; like beautiful songs.  Here's a song sung by a beautiful young lady who's voice doesn't seem to match her age.  I think this is fantastic stuff.  A beautiful song that with one or two word changes would be even better.  Anyway, listen to this song and enjoy.