Monday, October 10, 2011

Work At Home and Make Money

National Homeworkers Association
Want to find a way to make $300 per week from the comfort of your own home.  Work the hours and days you choose.  There are dozens of companies looking for you to help them ease their labor costs and they can do this by putting you to work in your own home and paying you to make or assemble their products.  It's profitable for them and for those who choose this as a way of making an income. Want more information?  Send me an e-mail at for a free report or go to the link above and order your work at home package.  The cost is $26.00 for the work at home package and $7.00 for shipping and handling for a total of $33.00 (did I do the math right?).   
It's been a while since I last posted to this blog but, something has come up that has compelled me to write again: Debt.  I recently received a letter from a debt collection agency.   Has anyone out there ever been  in the position to receive one?  They are anything but funny but, they are quite sad.  They offer you a settlement that for many of us today can't even be considered.  With little or no income and a mountain of debt to boot the average person can become despondent.  How do you pay for something when you don't even have a way to take care of yourself?  If you're like me, nobody forced you to go into debt.  And if you're like me you always believed that you'd be able to pay it back.  But like the wise old sage once said "S..t in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first."  Well it looks as if I've S..t in my hand, hat and everywhere else.
There's no way out of this mess but to pay it or die trying because our government has been bought out by the same people that made it too easy for idiots like myself to get into trouble.  We used to have laws that allowed individuals a new start, sometimes more than one new start.  But, these same companies, the credit card ones and the banks to boot, bought out congress and the president and now there are no new starts.   That is unless somebody knows something I don't.
Here's a short list of things we can't get rid of anymore:
Student loans
IRS debts
Credit card bills
There's probably more debts we can't dispose of than are listed here and for sure there will be more to come in the future as more and more people are forced into seeking help that they won't be able to get. 
The government was the first to protect itself from a person filing bankruptcy against their tax debt and then they went and did the same with student loans.  I understand that 50% of all student loans are currently in default.  Our government insured that this would happen.  They say, probably rightfully, that a college graduate makes far more money that the non college graduate does.  It's this statement and the the mistaken belief that a college education will be the magical answer to all of our problems that compels many to seek a college education, even when they don't know what they want to do with their life.  And while it may be true that  college grads earn more what they don't tell you is that the odds of your graduating from college once you start are small and that a large percentage of those that do graduate don't ever work in their course of study.  I know several people who this happened to.  And what they don't tell you is that you'll be paying those student loans for a long time.  I have a niece who is going to school to be a vet.  The cost will be in excess of $60,000 and her expected gross income will be $40,000 per year.  I think the cost of college stated here is low but, that's what my brother tells us it will cost him to put her through school.  Now, my niece has nothing to worry about if my brother is able and willing to foot the bill, but many children don't have parents who can do that and they go into debt themselves to go through the smoke screen that is college.  I do admit that college worked well for my brother.  
Do I sound like a malcontent?  Maybe I am.  The reason: I'm facing that uphill struggle of taking care of three of those three items I listed above.  Who do I really have to blame?  Me.   I was out of debt at one time and that's where I had promised myself I would stay; out of debt.  Actually I made that promise to my creator and I did the exact opposite.  So now I'm facing a situation that defies an easy fix short of dying.  I knew that debt was the vampire of economic health.  Debt will be the end of a stable family and country.
Our country is now the worlds largest debtor and it has refused to recognize that it is reaping what it sowed in its own people.  We are debt junkies.
I once had a conversation with a banker(for real).  I was telling him how terrible it was to be in debt that was difficult to pay and how crushed it made me feel.  He said this "you're looking at it the wrong way, your debt is a sign of what you're worth."  Well, this may be true to the ones you owe money to but, it's a lie because paying interest only sucks the life out of you.  Think of how much more you could do with the interest on a home that was more than twice what you paid for home to begin with.  You might not have the home but, you'd have the money to spend on other things.  Sure, what I'm talking about isn't the American way but it is the right way.  Don't go into debt.  Take the word of someone who is struggling under his own personal debt burden. 
What do I want?  Forgiveness of my debt on the condition that no one will ever be able to loan me another red cent lest I become stupid again and try to go back into debt.   After all, the banks got bailed out after they made bad decisions, why can't we individuals.  There are ways to fix this in this computer age.  it's a simple matter of passing a law and putting the mark on your files that says that nobody can loan you money. 
I believe there should be a national movement to forgive every ones debts and call it even and let us start over.  Those who have good credit can keep it and continue to borrow as in the past.  Those of us who have shown themselves to be repeat offenders should be barred from borrowing money. 
So, how do I plan to pay my debt?  It looks as if I'll have resort to the good old fashioned way of working since it doesn't look as if I'll be able to get forgiveness.  I'll make my pitch now.
This is for those who would like to earn money and stay home to do it.  There are dozens of companies who are looking for talented and willing people to ease their the cost of their labor burdens and put the skills those people already have to work.  there are companies that will pay a person to properly assemble their merchandise or to even build it from scratch and pay money for what is properly completed.  Now, I'm not trying to put up a smoke screen here myself and tell you that all will be a bed of roses but, for many it can be a way to put that extra on the table or against their bills.  It's possible to earn $300 and more a week doing what you already know how to do and do it at your own pace.  You can even work for more than one company at a time.  Does it cost to locate these companies?  Not if you are willing to do your own research.  This might just take more time than the nominal fee you'll pay to find out who these companies are through me.  I paid for the list because it saved me time.  The list you'll send for won't come directly from me but from a company that's been providing this list for over twenty years.  What will happen is that I'll get credit for bringing them people to buy the list and I'll receive a percentage of the fee charged.  I make money, the company makes money and you get to find a way to make money from home.  Everyone is a winner.  Here's the link:
National Homeworkers Association
Now help yourself