Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Most Valuable Asset in the World

The Most Valuable Asset In The World
There really is only one thing that is the greatest asset in the world during a time of crisis and that is יהוה. He made it all and allows us to use what he’s given us. Of course the greatest asset he blessed us with is our brains. We can do wonderful things when our minds are properly trained. However, the greatest physical asset that he gave us is something that maybe only one percent of the population owns. If you guessed that land was that asset you’d be close. It’s something far more valuable. It’s farmland.

According to the S&P 500 Index gold increased in value from the early seventies until now by about 3000%, that’s three thousand percent. No other commodity has come close and overall not even the stock market came close. Over the same period of time the value of farmland has increased by close to 13,000%, that’s thirteen thousand percent. Face it, the old saying is true, they’re not making any more of it.

You say you don’t own any farmland. Again, you’re not alone. You could invest in farmland that sells stock. There are farms around the world that do this. Some of them return a very handsome profit. Here again, if the currency system fails, your stock could be nearly worthless and if you don’t live near any of these farms they won’t do you much good when there isn’t any food to eat. Is the currency system going to fail and are there going to be shortages of food? Ummmmm....yes. The great question is: when is this crash going to happen? I’m not a prophet but, I’ll guess it’s going to be in the next half dozen years. This gives you time to plan; this gives you time to use your most valuable asset you were given: your mind.

I wouldn’t get comfortable yet though. The slide to the bottom has already begun and you’ll find yourself trapped if you don’t pray and plan carefully. If you’re caught lying down when the crash gets enough momentum you won’t be able to get up because of the G-forces.

What makes farms so valuable? Simple. You can feed yourself and loved ones from it if it’s self sufficient. It doesn’t have to be a large farm. In fact there are ways to take as little as an acre or even less land and make it produce most of what you need. It may take two years to get the ground to produce this kind of bounty so if you start now you can be set even if there is no crash. For sure our dollar shrinks every year by a compounded method. See my piece on “Currency or Money”.

For sure you need to plan to keep what you don’t really own. The king owns all of the land and he’ll be happy to let you stay and farm it if you can continue to pay the rent(property tax). If you plan carefully you’ll have a way. Remember: the king only takes coins of the realm, so to speak. He probably won’t take you’re tomatoes or chickens in payment however, someone might trade you coins of the realm for them.

This is a dismal thought: there won’t be anything you can do if an army marches through your farm and forces you off the kings land. It might not matter if your rent is paid or not. What happens if the king makes it where you can’t get coins of the realm? What happens if your only viable identification is some kind of a mark on your body placed there by the kings men? What if the coin of the realm is an electronic currency? Without identification you won’t be able to use your electronic currency. If you are a Christian or a believer who won’t take such a mark you’ll be unable to pay the kings rent. Can this happen? Oh yeah, it can happen and already does for other reasons. We don’t have any protection under the law now, if you don’t pay you have to go. Let’s just hope there is a place of refuge to go to or that you can survive in the wilds off of what יהוה provides there.

But, maybe this isn’t the time for that yet, maybe it’s just another horrible crash and it won’t turn into what’s prophesied in Revelations? If this is the case then get your little piece of land and get started now. You can always sell it later if and when things get better.

Here’s the thing: most of us don’t know how to make a little bit of ground produce a lot of food. That work has been done and it’s a matter of getting simple to use information. This blog doesn’t want me to sell things on it and I have to admit that I like to earn coins of the realm. So I can’t include any links here because they feel that affiliate programs are...well...somehow not kosher. There are thousands of legitimate affiliate programs and even Wal-Mart has them. So, if you’re interested I can help provide you with this information. I’m using a system that doesn’t require a constant year after year back breaking amount of labor. Get the system set up, which is the hardest part, and enjoy the benefits year after year. There is yearly maintenance but, you’d be surprised with how little. There are actually two systems: a way to grow veggies and a way to grow chickens. Chickens don’t require a lot of space, aren’t difficult to feed and take care of and provide a lot of protein in return. You just have to know how to do it.

Leave me a comment with a way to get the links to you, like an email address and I promise that once I’ve sent you the links I won’t hound you and I definitely won’t sell or share your email address with anyone. I’ll make it so that no ones comments are visible so that nobody can get your email address. In fact I’ll do one better, I’ll delete your comment after I’ve sent you the links so that not even I will know how to get in touch with you. Fair enough?