Monday, October 10, 2011

Work At Home and Make Money

National Homeworkers Association
Want to find a way to make $300 per week from the comfort of your own home.  Work the hours and days you choose.  There are dozens of companies looking for you to help them ease their labor costs and they can do this by putting you to work in your own home and paying you to make or assemble their products.  It's profitable for them and for those who choose this as a way of making an income. Want more information?  Send me an e-mail at for a free report or go to the link above and order your work at home package.  The cost is $26.00 for the work at home package and $7.00 for shipping and handling for a total of $33.00 (did I do the math right?).   
It's been a while since I last posted to this blog but, something has come up that has compelled me to write again: Debt.  I recently received a letter from a debt collection agency.   Has anyone out there ever been  in the position to receive one?  They are anything but funny but, they are quite sad.  They offer you a settlement that for many of us today can't even be considered.  With little or no income and a mountain of debt to boot the average person can become despondent.  How do you pay for something when you don't even have a way to take care of yourself?  If you're like me, nobody forced you to go into debt.  And if you're like me you always believed that you'd be able to pay it back.  But like the wise old sage once said "S..t in one hand and wish in the other and see which one fills up first."  Well it looks as if I've S..t in my hand, hat and everywhere else.
There's no way out of this mess but to pay it or die trying because our government has been bought out by the same people that made it too easy for idiots like myself to get into trouble.  We used to have laws that allowed individuals a new start, sometimes more than one new start.  But, these same companies, the credit card ones and the banks to boot, bought out congress and the president and now there are no new starts.   That is unless somebody knows something I don't.
Here's a short list of things we can't get rid of anymore:
Student loans
IRS debts
Credit card bills
There's probably more debts we can't dispose of than are listed here and for sure there will be more to come in the future as more and more people are forced into seeking help that they won't be able to get. 
The government was the first to protect itself from a person filing bankruptcy against their tax debt and then they went and did the same with student loans.  I understand that 50% of all student loans are currently in default.  Our government insured that this would happen.  They say, probably rightfully, that a college graduate makes far more money that the non college graduate does.  It's this statement and the the mistaken belief that a college education will be the magical answer to all of our problems that compels many to seek a college education, even when they don't know what they want to do with their life.  And while it may be true that  college grads earn more what they don't tell you is that the odds of your graduating from college once you start are small and that a large percentage of those that do graduate don't ever work in their course of study.  I know several people who this happened to.  And what they don't tell you is that you'll be paying those student loans for a long time.  I have a niece who is going to school to be a vet.  The cost will be in excess of $60,000 and her expected gross income will be $40,000 per year.  I think the cost of college stated here is low but, that's what my brother tells us it will cost him to put her through school.  Now, my niece has nothing to worry about if my brother is able and willing to foot the bill, but many children don't have parents who can do that and they go into debt themselves to go through the smoke screen that is college.  I do admit that college worked well for my brother.  
Do I sound like a malcontent?  Maybe I am.  The reason: I'm facing that uphill struggle of taking care of three of those three items I listed above.  Who do I really have to blame?  Me.   I was out of debt at one time and that's where I had promised myself I would stay; out of debt.  Actually I made that promise to my creator and I did the exact opposite.  So now I'm facing a situation that defies an easy fix short of dying.  I knew that debt was the vampire of economic health.  Debt will be the end of a stable family and country.
Our country is now the worlds largest debtor and it has refused to recognize that it is reaping what it sowed in its own people.  We are debt junkies.
I once had a conversation with a banker(for real).  I was telling him how terrible it was to be in debt that was difficult to pay and how crushed it made me feel.  He said this "you're looking at it the wrong way, your debt is a sign of what you're worth."  Well, this may be true to the ones you owe money to but, it's a lie because paying interest only sucks the life out of you.  Think of how much more you could do with the interest on a home that was more than twice what you paid for home to begin with.  You might not have the home but, you'd have the money to spend on other things.  Sure, what I'm talking about isn't the American way but it is the right way.  Don't go into debt.  Take the word of someone who is struggling under his own personal debt burden. 
What do I want?  Forgiveness of my debt on the condition that no one will ever be able to loan me another red cent lest I become stupid again and try to go back into debt.   After all, the banks got bailed out after they made bad decisions, why can't we individuals.  There are ways to fix this in this computer age.  it's a simple matter of passing a law and putting the mark on your files that says that nobody can loan you money. 
I believe there should be a national movement to forgive every ones debts and call it even and let us start over.  Those who have good credit can keep it and continue to borrow as in the past.  Those of us who have shown themselves to be repeat offenders should be barred from borrowing money. 
So, how do I plan to pay my debt?  It looks as if I'll have resort to the good old fashioned way of working since it doesn't look as if I'll be able to get forgiveness.  I'll make my pitch now.
This is for those who would like to earn money and stay home to do it.  There are dozens of companies who are looking for talented and willing people to ease their the cost of their labor burdens and put the skills those people already have to work.  there are companies that will pay a person to properly assemble their merchandise or to even build it from scratch and pay money for what is properly completed.  Now, I'm not trying to put up a smoke screen here myself and tell you that all will be a bed of roses but, for many it can be a way to put that extra on the table or against their bills.  It's possible to earn $300 and more a week doing what you already know how to do and do it at your own pace.  You can even work for more than one company at a time.  Does it cost to locate these companies?  Not if you are willing to do your own research.  This might just take more time than the nominal fee you'll pay to find out who these companies are through me.  I paid for the list because it saved me time.  The list you'll send for won't come directly from me but from a company that's been providing this list for over twenty years.  What will happen is that I'll get credit for bringing them people to buy the list and I'll receive a percentage of the fee charged.  I make money, the company makes money and you get to find a way to make money from home.  Everyone is a winner.  Here's the link:
National Homeworkers Association
Now help yourself

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Most Valuable Asset in the World

The Most Valuable Asset In The World
There really is only one thing that is the greatest asset in the world during a time of crisis and that is יהוה. He made it all and allows us to use what he’s given us. Of course the greatest asset he blessed us with is our brains. We can do wonderful things when our minds are properly trained. However, the greatest physical asset that he gave us is something that maybe only one percent of the population owns. If you guessed that land was that asset you’d be close. It’s something far more valuable. It’s farmland.

According to the S&P 500 Index gold increased in value from the early seventies until now by about 3000%, that’s three thousand percent. No other commodity has come close and overall not even the stock market came close. Over the same period of time the value of farmland has increased by close to 13,000%, that’s thirteen thousand percent. Face it, the old saying is true, they’re not making any more of it.

You say you don’t own any farmland. Again, you’re not alone. You could invest in farmland that sells stock. There are farms around the world that do this. Some of them return a very handsome profit. Here again, if the currency system fails, your stock could be nearly worthless and if you don’t live near any of these farms they won’t do you much good when there isn’t any food to eat. Is the currency system going to fail and are there going to be shortages of food? Ummmmm....yes. The great question is: when is this crash going to happen? I’m not a prophet but, I’ll guess it’s going to be in the next half dozen years. This gives you time to plan; this gives you time to use your most valuable asset you were given: your mind.

I wouldn’t get comfortable yet though. The slide to the bottom has already begun and you’ll find yourself trapped if you don’t pray and plan carefully. If you’re caught lying down when the crash gets enough momentum you won’t be able to get up because of the G-forces.

What makes farms so valuable? Simple. You can feed yourself and loved ones from it if it’s self sufficient. It doesn’t have to be a large farm. In fact there are ways to take as little as an acre or even less land and make it produce most of what you need. It may take two years to get the ground to produce this kind of bounty so if you start now you can be set even if there is no crash. For sure our dollar shrinks every year by a compounded method. See my piece on “Currency or Money”.

For sure you need to plan to keep what you don’t really own. The king owns all of the land and he’ll be happy to let you stay and farm it if you can continue to pay the rent(property tax). If you plan carefully you’ll have a way. Remember: the king only takes coins of the realm, so to speak. He probably won’t take you’re tomatoes or chickens in payment however, someone might trade you coins of the realm for them.

This is a dismal thought: there won’t be anything you can do if an army marches through your farm and forces you off the kings land. It might not matter if your rent is paid or not. What happens if the king makes it where you can’t get coins of the realm? What happens if your only viable identification is some kind of a mark on your body placed there by the kings men? What if the coin of the realm is an electronic currency? Without identification you won’t be able to use your electronic currency. If you are a Christian or a believer who won’t take such a mark you’ll be unable to pay the kings rent. Can this happen? Oh yeah, it can happen and already does for other reasons. We don’t have any protection under the law now, if you don’t pay you have to go. Let’s just hope there is a place of refuge to go to or that you can survive in the wilds off of what יהוה provides there.

But, maybe this isn’t the time for that yet, maybe it’s just another horrible crash and it won’t turn into what’s prophesied in Revelations? If this is the case then get your little piece of land and get started now. You can always sell it later if and when things get better.

Here’s the thing: most of us don’t know how to make a little bit of ground produce a lot of food. That work has been done and it’s a matter of getting simple to use information. This blog doesn’t want me to sell things on it and I have to admit that I like to earn coins of the realm. So I can’t include any links here because they feel that affiliate programs are...well...somehow not kosher. There are thousands of legitimate affiliate programs and even Wal-Mart has them. So, if you’re interested I can help provide you with this information. I’m using a system that doesn’t require a constant year after year back breaking amount of labor. Get the system set up, which is the hardest part, and enjoy the benefits year after year. There is yearly maintenance but, you’d be surprised with how little. There are actually two systems: a way to grow veggies and a way to grow chickens. Chickens don’t require a lot of space, aren’t difficult to feed and take care of and provide a lot of protein in return. You just have to know how to do it.

Leave me a comment with a way to get the links to you, like an email address and I promise that once I’ve sent you the links I won’t hound you and I definitely won’t sell or share your email address with anyone. I’ll make it so that no ones comments are visible so that nobody can get your email address. In fact I’ll do one better, I’ll delete your comment after I’ve sent you the links so that not even I will know how to get in touch with you. Fair enough?

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Let me start out from the beginning and say that I’m not against paying taxes.  Paying taxes is one of the means that the citizens can come together to provide things that we need such as: roads, armies, water treatment and distribution systems, schools and a host of other benefits that we take for granted.  It’s the job of the government to collect and distribute the proceeds appropriately.  One of the problems comes with using the word appropriately because what’s appropriate to one may not be appropriate to another.  Other problems exist because of the means of collection.
I can remember my first paycheck.  It was to be a pitiful thing even for it’s time.  I had to work nearly two weeks before I could collect it and I was looking forward to the seventy odd dollars that I had coming.  I only earned a dollar and five cents an hour.  I was floored, flabbergasted when I got it and it was missing a considerable chunk of my hard earned money.  There were all kinds of deductions: federal income tax, state income tax and city income tax.  That’s right even the city got into the picture.  I was incensed; they hadn’t even asked my permission.  Up until then I had been quite a businessman baby sitting, cutting grass and shoveling snow in the winter.  I had a small list of customers who liked my work and my rates.  The problem was that I was spoiled because I didn’t have to share these hard earned dollars with anybody so it was disheartening when I saw how much these crooks took without my permission.  But, true to human nature when there is nothing that can be done about the situation I soon settled into a uneasy coexistence with the government crooks and the yearly cycle of settling accounts with them.
Now that the income tax season is over it’s time to breath a sigh of relief.  Or is it?  In reality there is no relief from taxes.  There are income taxes, property taxes, excise taxes, sales taxes, corporate taxes, ad valorem taxes, capital gains taxes, import and export duties, gas taxes, cigarette taxes, 911 taxes, social security taxes, medicaid taxes, death taxes, inheritance taxes, liquor taxes and a host of fees that we pay so we cam  use our own common  property.   I don’t have a problem with many of these taxes because there are righteous ways for me to avoid having to pay them if I need to.  But, there are some that are grievous and immoral and somehow we free Americans got conned into accepting them. 

To me an appropriate tax is one that doesn’t specifically name me as a tax payer although there is one notable exception to this and I’ll talk about that later.  These are taxes collected at the time of sale.  I can avoid these by simply not buying anything if I can’t afford the tax.  Most of us can afford to pay these taxes because we do it every time we go to the checkout.   I don’t even have a problem with most of the fees that we have to pay to use our own common properties like the state parks and highways that we pay to use through drivers licence fees and other similar taxes.  But, I do have a problem with taxes that specifically name me as a payer like income taxes and property taxes.  They have my name on them and if I don’t or can’t pay them I may stand to lose my property or freedom. 
Let me start with what I consider to be the most immoral and evil tax ever foisted onto the tax paying public: Property taxes that are specifically levied against real estate.  These property taxes are levied to supply revenue for schools.    What’s wrong with it?  Fail to pay it and you’ll find out.  You’ll find yourself without a home or a place to stay whether it’s in a house, grass hut or a tent.  This grievous thing, getting kicked off of your land because you failed to pay a tax, is criminal and evil.  How can we possibly consider this to be a truly free country when we don’t have a right to live on the land we bought until the day we die regardless of our ability to pay a tax?   In truth we no longer own the land, the government does and it merely rents it to us year by year.   If we don’t pay these taxes the government confiscates the land and sells(rents) it at auction on the court house steps to the highest bidder which is usually way below the real value of the land.  I realize that we can’t take the land with us when we die but, that’s not the issue: it’s the right to live on our land until we die that is the issue.  There might not be so many homeless people if not for this grievous tax.  And, of all the taxes, it’s this one that keeps us dependent on the system; it keeps us working and I’ll go over this later.
It’s these types of taxes that hurt the poorest of us the most.  All taxes are a burden to the poor but, a tax that can be used to take away your home or land is the worst.  Everybody has to pay taxes, even the poor.

The next evil tax is an income tax.  On the surface this type of tax may seem fair because it’s graduated according to income.  Here again, this tax is evil for the reason that a name is associated with it.  There are all kind of things that happen when you’re unable to pay your full share: levies, fines, interest, garnishments and possibly imprisonment.  You could possibly avoid paying these taxes if you don’t have an income but, the system is rigged so that you have to have an income.   But, many look at it this way: you earned the money so you have to be disciplined to pay the tax.  This is certainly true but, is it right?  Income taxes don’t take into account the cost due to inflation or hardship.  Take higher gas prices for instance.  Many people haven’t gotten raises in several years because the economy is in trouble and businesses are hard put to stay in business just maintaining what they already pay.  So, when the gas prices go up there is no corresponding reduction in the amount of tax a person has to pay from their remaining wage.  Most poor people who pay income tax do so on their gross income and not an after expense income.  What happens if the roof goes bad on your rented house (remember we all pay rent to the king) and you need to fix it with high priced inflated shingles?  Is there a change in the tax rate to help?  No, that’s your problem.  But, what if you get a windfall in income and you find yourself still in the same position: the money is needed for some good reason like to feed, house and clothe your family.  You may find yourself in trouble because now you have to pay income tax on money that didn’t have withholding taxes taken out of.  Why, you may even find yourself in a higher tax bracket which could create an even greater hardship.  
Capital gains taxes.  What happens if you work hard and improve the value of your property or your property merely looks as if it’s more valuable due to inflation?  Nothing as far as the capital gains tax is concerned; not until you decide to sell it for any reason.  The politicians love to play with this tax.  The rates constantly change from one administration to the next.  Sometimes the tax rate is reduced substantially but, it never does go away.  If you liquidate your property you have one year to reinvest it into real estate or you have to pay the tax on the increase in inflated value.  But, what if you have to pay a debt and can’t reinvest and you find yourself without enough money to pay the tax?  What happens then?  I don’t know but, I’m sure it’s not pleasant.  Here again this is a tax associated with your name because you own the real estate( but not really, you’re only a renter).
I could go on and write about other personal taxes but, I think you get the picture about them but, there is one other grievous evil tax I want to write about: corporate taxes. 

Why are these evil?  Simply because corporations don’t pay them.  Why not?  A little bit of education in business is needed here.   This is very simple and I believe that you will understand this.  In some respects a business is no different than a common person.  The common person cannot spend more money than they have for very long or they will go bankrupt and corporations are no different in that respect.  Here’s where the difference between individuals and corporations are concerned: when a corporation is charged a tax they have to pass that cost onto the consumer by building that cost into the price of their goods or services and it’s the consumer who pays for those goods and services and as the end consumer I have nowhere to pass the cost of my taxes on to.  The bad thing about this is that there is no way to know how much of the cost of providing those goods and services are actually corporate taxes.  And by the way, the matching social security tax that corporations pass onto the consumer is about six point three percent of their employees gross wages and that has to be passed on or the corporation will eventually become bankrupt and go out of business.  But, here’s where the politicians get the last laugh: not only do we pay sales tax on those goods and services but we also pay sales tax on the built in corporate taxes.  Isn’t this a hoot: a tax on a tax?  The higher the corporate tax the higher the sales tax.  It’s for the reason that we don’t know how much we’re being indirectly taxed that makes it evil.  We can cry for higher corporate taxes but, in the end we’re just crying for ourselves to be taxed more and I know that all of us want to give more of our hard earned money to the politicians so that they can vote themselves a wage increase whenever they feel like it.  
Now I want to return to the subject of property taxes.   Someone once told me that certain taxes were created not for government revenue specifically but, to keep the people working.  In my opinion it is this tax that could accomplish this the best.  Everybody that lives pays this tax even those who are considered renters because they rent from a private landlord.  The private landlord is in business and has to pass those property taxes on to the renter in the form of rent or they stand to lose their property if they can’t pay them.  Those taxes cannot be directly paid by giving the tax collector free rent, a chicken, a tree or a tomato so those things have to be turned into currency so that it can be given to the tax collector.  The thing is that once you do that you now have an income that you have to pay even more taxes on.   You cannot routinely sell things unless you go into business and ninety five percent of us won’t go into business for ourselves.  The cost of doing business is staggering.  Businesses have to have employees even if you’re the only employee.  You need a place to do business from and usually some kind of equipment to buy and maintain.  Then there’s all of that bureaucratic red tape that takes one business day out of five to keep which includes paying all of those taxes for the consumers.  It’s hard enough to take care of your personal problems without adding business problems to the list so most of us opt to remain employees who are really the bulk of the people who buy goods and services in which all of these hidden taxes are built into.  In my opinion there is a fear that if this one tax, the property tax, was done away with that our bustling economy would revert to subsistence farming.   Without property taxes the burden of keeping the people working would fall to the income tax next.  The problem would be in defining what an income is.  Is the food you grow and eat actually income?  It would have to become that so that they could force you to pay your taxes in tomatoes or convert it to currency so that you could pay your taxes.   So, we are all inextricably linked into the system thanks to the property tax.  There is no way to get out of paying this tax and no way to exist outside of the system.  

What’s the solution?  There may not be one short of revolution.   And most people are two ignorant about these things to even care.  Their focus is on surviving in the system as it is and they don’t have time to look for or the education to know that there might be a better way.  So most people probably wouldn’t support a political revolution let alone a military revolution and I don’t advocate a violent revolution. 
Our political system can easily support a request for a change if enough of us got up and spoke out against these evils.  All we have to do is vote those out who won’t change and keep voting people in until we do get the change we need.  But, what about this need to keep people working?  I’m sure that there would be a certain number of people who would find a life of subsistence farming preferable to being in the system but, most of us like our modern conveniences and wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world so we’ll stay in the system even if the taxes were collected by other more equitable means such as sales taxes.  
The reason that nothing will change short of a revolution is that there is a vested interest in keeping things the way they are.  Probably, most people don’t have a problem with the system and our politicians know how to navigate the system to their advantage the way it is.   Our politicians are afraid to discontinue all of these separate and somewhat hidden taxes because it would force them to be honest about what rate they tax us at.  We are one of the highest taxed people on the planet.  I have heard that some estimates say that as much as sixty percent of our income is taken in taxes.  That’s ok if we can survive off of the remaining forty percent but, at our politicians should at least be honest about it.  What would happen if you went to the checkout and had to pay a sixty percent sales tax?  Would the system collapse as people quit buying things or would the people demand a real accounting from their politicians?  
Sale tax revenues fluctuate to much with the economy and I think that is the reason politicians don’t find sales taxes as desirable as other taxes.  When’s the last time the government came to you and gave you a break on your property tax when you lost your job or had to take a pay cut?  It’s fixed by the value of your land and not to temporary dips in the economy; even if that economic dip lasts for ten years.  You certainly couldn’t expect those poor underpaid politicians and government employees, which includes teachers,  to take a pay cut could you?   After all, cycles of boom and bust seem to be a part of nature so why shouldn’t the wages of our politicians cycle with the cycle.  Give them a tiny fraction of a percent based on how well the economy functions as a base for their wage.  What kind of solutions or nightmares would our politicians create if their income kept pace with tax revenues?  Heavens forbid that they might actually come up with a real fix to these unacceptable taxes and then actually fix the economy the right way.  

But, actually, our politicians shouldn’t have a hand in controlling a free economy anyway.  Yes, worker safety should always be important and probably has to be watched over by our laws but, things like wage and price guarantees have no place in a free economy.   Wages and work conditions are as good or bad as the workers allow them to be.  Nobody can force a free man to work for a subsistence wage.  There are plenty of stories where workers banded together before there were labor unions to strike for better wages and working conditions and got what they wanted.  How does this tie in with taxes?  It doesn’t directly but, it has a bearing on tax revenues when politicians try to manipulate a free economy and fail because they don’t understand human nature or business.  Life wants to thrive and expand and will do so if left alone. 
Yes, things can get out of hand and usually do but stifling business only curtails innovation which leads to stagnation and death.  Our business are a witness to this and we the people see it.  Our businesses are fleeing to places that don’t have these artificial restraints.  Remember 9/11?  Remember all of the patriotism and the little American flags people flew?  How many of those flags were made in the good ole USA?  I couldn’t find any.  When’s the last time you looked at the label of the product you bought to see where it was made?  It’s getting harder to find products made in the USA by real US manufacturers.  People can’t afford real US products that are completely made in the US so they settle for things made in China even things grown in China.  
Those businesses that are forced, yes forced, out of the country give other countries an edge over us.  Our economic wealth, vitality and innovation is bleeding away with every company that relocates from our shores.  Our factories close down permanently and workers are forced to find scarce jobs.  KIA, a Korean auto maker, opened a plant in Georgia and there were forty or fifty thousand job applicants for less than a thousand positions.   Foreign corporations that invest here help but they aren’t the main driving force in our economy.  All of this trouble is a consequence of government medaling where they shouldn’t.  Our politicians think that the American taxpayer is a bottomless well and they’ve found countless ingenious ways of getting into our pockets. 

Here’s another side effect of heavy taxation: lowered birth rates.   How?   People can’t afford large families which leads them to abortion in the form of IUD’s, birth control pills and surgical and chemical abortions.  Then there is the lowered birth rate due to voluntary sterilization.  What a gun couldn’t do to curb population growth heavy taxation accomplished.  The birth rates of many Westernized countries have dropped below the level needed to maintain their populations and countries like Germany and France are facing a crisis because of it.  Even the United States is on the brink of negative native population growth.  The population gap is being filled by immigrants who are changing the ethnic make up of these nations.  Christian countries are becoming Islamic countries and the Muslims aren’t even having to fire any shots to bring this about.   As the native population grows old and fades away the people realize that they need new people to pay the taxes to keep their governments paying them to sit around and do nothing. 
More on this latter.

Monday, April 18, 2011

We were born Kings

Chapter 2
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

It was once recognized that all men were created with equal rights that no man could take away from us since they were granted by a source that is far more powerful and stable than anything man could offer. I maintain that any right that is enforced is a law. If this is true it means that a farmer has the same rights under the law as a king has. I maintain that if a king has a “right” to rule his subjects that every man has that right. Let’s explore the possibilities.

          The question? How are we born kings? To begin with a brief definition is in order. Webster’s says that a king is:

“1a : a male monarch of a major territorial unit; especially : one whose position is hereditary and who rules for life b : a paramount chief 2 capitalized : Elohim, CHRIST 3 : one that holds a preeminent position; especially : a chief among competitors....”

The definition goes on about chess pieces, playing cards and checkers. Well, that clears things up doesn’t it? I don’t know about you but it looks to me as if I don’t qualify.
          Words and their meanings are important not only here but in every aspect of our life. Use the wrong word and we can insult someone very easily. After studying this definition the only problems I came up with were the words “major”, “territorial” and “male”. It sounds like we need men and have a whole country at our disposal to be a king doesn’t it? Well, let’s see.
          Here goes another definition. Webster’s says about the word “major” ( can you tell by now I like Webster’s dictionary):

 “ 1 : greater in dignity, rank, importance, or interest <one of the major poets> 2 : greater in number, quantity, or extent <the major part of this work> 3 : having attained majority 4 : notable or conspicuous in effect or scope : CONSIDERABLE <a major improvement> 5 : involving grave risk : SERIOUS <a major illness>....”

The definition goes on into areas we don’t need to, but, if you’re not sure feel free to look it up. It looks like number 1 is the part of this definition we need to concentrate on. If this part can be made to apply to ourselves individually then we fit the part of “major” in the definition of king.
          It’s at conception in my opinion that we become a person. All of the genetic information to make us a physically complete person is present. Right? The only thing lacking is our physical development to the point that we can survive outside of the womb. Some people call a person in the womb an embryo or a fetus. If you look up those words it looks like those are appropriate definitions of us in the womb. However, those definitions don’t address the uniqueness that is you in the womb. Because of this there are too many who are all to willing to terminate a pregnancy because after all it’s only a “fetus” or an “embryo”. That fetus or embryo is absolutely unique and there’ll never be another one like you. Think about it; if no two snowflakes are alike then how much more are we different than each other? Don’t you consider that to be “major”?
          Most normal parents consider it an honor to have a “baby in the oven”. Our society on the whole puts great importance on the concept of pregnancy. Maybe it should be stated as “used to be a honor” because things are changing now. An individual life may not seem so important to many anymore. Putting that aside though, the majority of people still look on a pregnancy as if it’s an important event. We include warning labels on just about anything that might endanger the mother or “fetus”. Isn’t that considered “major”? Many husbands will go out of their way to be supportive of their wives(or significant others if you must). That’s “major” isn’t it? Many women will stop a life long habit or addiction like smoking or drinking while they’re pregnant so that they don’t endanger the baby. That’s “major” isn’t it? How about the mothers body? It shifts gears to accommodate the new embryo. That’s gotta be “major” doesn’t it?
          There doesn’t appear to be anything insignificant about pregnancy. If there is it’s only because we all came into the world that way and familiarity breeds contempt? No, that’s not true!
          So it looks as if the definition of “major” fits us in the womb! How about the next word that was singled out “territorial”? Webster’s defines “territorial” as

 “1 a : NEARBY, LOCAL b : serving outlying areas : REGIONAL 2 a : of or relating to a territory <territorial government> b : of or relating to or organized chiefly for home defense <a territorial army> c : of or relating to private property....”

It looks like the first part fits; doesn’t it? “Nearby” or “Local”? What can be more nearby or local than the womb? Maybe other parts of the definition of “territorial” don’t exactly apply, but, we don’t need it to for our purposes.
          Admittedly, not everyone is male on this planet. So how to get around that? Let’s do it this way: while not everyone is male; everyone is of the family of man. Does this get us around the definition of “male”? It appears to be a matter of point of view. If you can’t get around this emotionally or otherwise then say “queen”. To me there’s another reason to say “king” and that’s Scripture.
Rev 1:5 And2532 from575 YAHOSUA2424 Ha’Meshiach,5547 who is the3588 faithful4103 witness,3144 and the3588 first begotten4416 of1537 the3588 dead,3498 and2532 the3588 prince758 of the3588 kings935 of the3588 earth.1093 Unto him that loved25 us,2248 and2532 washed3068 us2248 from575 our2257 sins266 in1722 his own848 blood,129
Rev 1:6 And2532 hath made4160 us2248 kings935 and2532 priests2409 unto YAHOSHUA2316 and2532 his848 Father;3962 to him846 be esteem1391 and2532 power2904 forever and ever.1519, 165, 165 Amen.281
Rev 5:9 And2532 they sung103 a new2537 song,5603 saying,3004 Thou art1488 worthy514 to take2983 the3588 book,975 and2532 to open455 the3588 seals4973 thereof:848 for3754 thou wast slain,4969 and2532 hast redeemed59 us2248 to Elohim2316 by1722 thy4675 blood129 out of1537 every3956 kindred,5443 and2532 tongue,1100 and2532 people,2992 and2532 nation;1484
Rev 5:10 And2532 hast made4160 us2248 unto our2257 Elohim2316 kings935 and2532 priests:2409 and2532 we shall reign936 on1909 the3588 earth.1093

          The above quote doesn’t qualify who “us” is; whether man or woman so it’s my opinion that it refers to either one equally.

What a King does
          Just what is it that a king is supposed to do anyway? Let’s make a list.
A king: rules
Kind of a short list huh? I sit here and for the life of me can’t think of anything else kings do that ordinary people don’t or do they? The previous sentence was purposely constructed in a manner that women could be included as a king by using the word they instead of “he”. There is no attempt here for political correctness because I firmly believe in women as kings. But, again if you can’t abide by this then substitute the word king with queen in your mind as you read this. Now, back to business. A look at what Webster’s has to say on the subject of “rules”.

1a : a prescribed guide for conduct or action b : the laws or regulations prescribed by the founder of a religious order for observance by its members c : an accepted procedure, custom, or habit d(1) : usually written order or direction made by a court regulating court practice or the action of parties (2) : a legal precept or doctrine e : a regulation or bylaw governing procedure or controlling conduct
2a (1) : a usually valid generalization (2) : a generally prevailing quality, state, or mode b : a standard of judgment :CRITERION c : a regulating principle d : a determinate method for performing a mathematical operation and obtaining a certain result
3 a : the exercise of authority or control : DOMINION b : a period during which a specified ruler or government exercises control

It looks as if number 3 is the winner. I firmly believe that newborns exercise authority and control. If you’re not a parent then ask any blurry eyed parent who gets up in the middle of the night to feed and change a babies diaper and they’ll tell you who’s really in charge. The part about DOMINION is important here. Let’s see what my favorite dictionary has to say about it.

2 : supreme authority : SOVEREIGNTY

And the word DOMAIN itself:

1a : complete and absolute ownership of land - compare EMINENT DOMAIN b : land so owned
2 : a territory over which dominion is exercised
Is there any question about wether the womb is land? According to the Scriptures it is:
Gen 2:7 Andיהוה3068 Elohim430 formed3335 (853) man120 of the dust6083 of4480 the ground,127 and breathed5301 into his nostrils639 the breath5397 of life;2416 and man120 became1961 a living2416 soul.5315

Deu 7:13 And he will love157 thee, and bless1288 thee, and multiply7235 thee: he will also bless1288 the fruit6529 of thy womb,990 and the fruit6529 of thy land,127 thy corn,1715 and thy wine,8492 and thine oil,3323 the increase7698 of thy kine,504 and the flocks6251 of thy sheep,6629 in5921 the land127 which834 he swore7650 unto thy fathers1 to give5414 thee.

Fruit comes from one thing and that’s what was formed out the things of the earth. Plant a seed in soil, water it and watch it grow. The seed and the new plant that comes from it contains elements from the earth; the ground. As the new plant grows it draws nourishment from the ground and air. The largest tree is 98% by dry weight carbon captured out of the air, but, it is 2% minerals by dry weight directly from the soil. The plant can’t survive without air or land. Neither can a human being. Everything we eat comes either directly from the land or animals that are sustained by the land. The reason? Because we all come from the ground. If we’re made up of dirt then we are dirt with a special life force within us.

          Babies don’t sit up and say “ok you peasants get to work on my land”. However, is there any doubt that the parents or guardians won’t muster as much effort as needed to provide for the welfare of the baby? Babies can’t talk and all they can do is eat, sleep, void, coo, cry and learn. Every one of these things are strictly attended to by the parent. I believe the rules of conduct for some of these things are actually hard wired into parents. A nursing mother may “let down” her milk if she hears her baby cry. Most parents respond immediately when they hear their baby cry.
          As a baby gets old enough to begin crawling the area where the baby is given free “reign” is meticulously prepared. Outlets are covered, stairs are blocked and potentially hazardous items are put safely up out of reach.
          Everything is being done to prepare the new king to ascend to the throne. One day the new kings will take over their own throne and return the rightful kings (the parents) to theirs. So eventually they have to learn the word “no” and it’s a shock to them at first. Nobody tells the king “no”. It’s all part of the plan to teach them how to rightly rule from their own thrones.
          Any parent who’s trained the next generation of kings can attest; that training is a tough challenge. I’m sure that almost any parent can look back and see gaps in the training.
          So the child king grows and receiving an education is paramount until the child reaches the age of majority. The most important education the young kings receive isn’t the one where they chose how to secure an income but the one on how to relate to the other kings around them. The education doesn’t end once the kings are finally coronated; the education will continue for the rest of their life.
          The purpose of all of this education is for one thing only: service. To rule is to serve. Since a king holds a superior position in relation to their subjects it’s only appropriate for a king to serve. It’s not a groveling sniveling kind of serving but an upright confident authoritative kind of service. Even a server in a restaurant can provide appropriate service because it’s one of solving challenges for their subjects. The server helps to solve a challenge for the patron of the restaurant; how to send the patron away full and satisfied. It’s done from a position of superiority because the server has access to an abundance of what the patron needs, food. What greater service can a king provide? You might say that the patron is paying for the service and food.
So what? If the money were more valuable than the food would they trade the money for the food? One has an excess of money and one has an excess of food. A fair trade? NO! Try to eat your money sometime and see how nourishing it is.
In periods of inflation what’s really happening is that the commodity is remaining stable in value while the money is declining in value and it takes more of the money to buy the same amount of the same commodity than it used to be able to buy. As a valued commodity becomes more scarce; people are willing to pay more for the same thing. The point is that the person who can provide the more valuable commodity has the superior position. The server can always chose not to serve a patron. What then? War, but, that’s another subject altogether.
          Does the idea of a king being a servant denigrate the position of kingship? Not at all. If YAOAY could be called upon to intervene in the affairs of an inferior; isn’t that serving? Of course it is. YAHOSHUA said:
Mat 23:10 Neither3366 be ye called2564 masters:2519 for1063 one1520 is2076 your5216 Master,2519 even Meshiach.5547
Mat 23:11 But1161 he that is greatest3187 among you5216 shall be2071 your5216 servant.1249
Mat 23:12 And1161 whosoever3748 shall exalt5312 himself1438 shall be abased;5013 and2532 he3748 that shall humble5013 himself1438 shall be exalted.5312
YAOAY is in the ultimate position to serve His creation. Everything is His: the Earth and every material thing in it, the power which is His Ruach haQodesh and all authority to grant kindness and favor to whomever He desires. It’s all his.
          YAOAY doesn’t ask too much in return. His main request is that we don’t give something or someone else the credit for what he does for us out of His kindness by worshiping them. How do you feel when you do something good and someone else gets the credit? Our worship is one of the ways we repay His service to us. There is one other way that we show our appreciation for YAOAY’S loving kindness; that’ll be discussed a little later.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Debt Relief

Debt Relief

Warning: if we aren’t careful this concept of debt relief may become a thing of the past.

Before I go to far I want to talk about two old ideas: republics and democracies. Basically, a republic is a form of government where it’s officials are voted into office by the people and that are governed by the rule of law. Laws are set up to protect the people from abuse by each other and the officials they vote into office. That is where the Constitution and the Bill of Rights came from. Our founding fathers understood the need to build a system that would insure our protection from a constantly fluctuating and changing system where one day you were protected from abuse and then suddenly things could change where you could find yourself in jeopardy from the very system you sought protection through. This country was founded as a REPUBLIC and not democracy. We even have a Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and to the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands... How many of us know the difference between a republic and a democracy?

A democracy is a form of government where supreme power rests in the majority of the people. On the surface of things this seems to be the same as a Republic. The difference being that there are no safe guards in a democracy. Laws can change quickly and catastrophically at the whims of the people. One day there is a constitutional law protecting you from abuse and the next day it’s gone because the mob (majority) decided it was outdated. What does this have to do with debt relief?

Let me ask you a question: how many of us entered into contracts with banks and credit card companies to borrow money and then to pay it back at a certain rate of interest? All of this is fine; we sign the contract that is regulated under the rule of law. The law says that when you enter a contract you have to follow the terms of that contract as long as those terms don’t violate some higher law that exists at the time the contract is signed. Most of us don’t enter into a loan intending to go bankrupt the next day. However, we knew at the time many of us entered our contracts there were a set of bankruptcy laws to protect us against ruin and slavery should something happen such as a loss of a job or the loss of business. Those same banks and credit card companies knew this when they entered into those contracts. But, and here’s the but, those same banks and credit card companies ignored sound business practices and granted loans to people who shouldn’t have received those loans. Then they turn around and complain that they’ve been cheated and that they want the law to change. Ok, that’s fair to change a law that will apply to future borrowers but, it’s not fair to change the law after the fact. If the banks and credit card companies could change the law retroactive to the time we signed contracts then there can be no such thing as protection under the law.

Why hasn’t there been a cry of foul play to this? This issue should go all the way to the Supreme Court of the land. We should be able to file bankruptcy under the law as it existed at the time we signed the contract. We wouldn’t be asking for something that we hadn’t already been guaranteed by our law.

This issue isn’t just about debt relief, it’s about our very freedom and liberty. Those banks and credit card companies have vast resources available to them to sway and influence our law makers. If we aren’t careful we’ll find ourselves without a voice and without a voice we’ll find ourselves prey to those people with all of those vast resources. There is only one way little people like myself can maintain a voice and that’s collectively with enough other small voices.

Let us return the system back to it’s original function and intent. Let’s restore the bankruptcy laws to what they were, not just for us but for future generations.

We should expect that businesses exercise sound business practices. That’s their greatest guarantee under the law. Don’t loan money to people who are poor risks. Loaning money is the same thing as investing and everyone should be aware that there aren’t any guarantees when it comes to investing. There is an element of risk in any kind of investing. That’s the nature of business. There are no floors, except the bankruptcy laws that apply to business as well as individuals and there are no ceilings either. You are free to succeed to any level you can achieve.

And while we’re on the subject of debt relief let’s force our government to live by the same rules everyone else lives by. Our government is the only entity that we have no debt protection from. It has shown itself to be able to evict people from their homes and businesses when they find themselves unable to pay the government rents in the form of taxes or they find themselves saddled with a debt that can never be paid off that only continues to grow until the debt is relieved by death. If we’re not careful the government may find a way to force our children to pay a debt we can’t pay.

A man should pay his debts and that includes little men like me. I desire to pay all of my debts and I’m sure you do also. But, I want the same freedoms that my forefathers had. They could fail then they could fail and then they could succeed. The protection of the law was there for them and for their businesses. I don’t want to look back and think that those freedoms are forever gone. Our country grew rich and strong under those laws. I’ll even bet that there were many of our captains of industry that failed and used those same freedoms and laws to eventually succeed. Try to think of it this way: if Thomas Edison had been forced to quit trying to make an incandescent light bulb because he failed once or twice we may not have many of the things we have today including the light bulb. Failure is a part of life and a part of learning. We would never think of making a baby stay seated the rest of it’s life because it fell down a lot; now would we? No. We encourage the baby to get up and try again. Some of us are like those little babies; it may take us a few times to learn how to succeed but, we need good teachers to show us how to succeed not harsh cruel taskmasters that probably were failures at one time of their life also.

Our government is turning out to be cruel when it’s able to change laws arbitrarily and at the whim of the mob. Let’s band together, become a mob ourselves and force the government to return to sound law; the same laws that lead us to freedom and prosperity as individuals and as a nation. I’d rather live in the Republic we started out with than the mob rule of democracy that we are turning into.
